(Noah) "Heir of the Ark" - chapter information

Chapter Information

1st September: Towards the dream card

CHAPTER 1: The Long Jump
The dream of aiming to be a wrestler

CHAPTER 2: Kings Road
The teachings of Giant Baba and the Four Pillars of Wrestling

CHAPTER 3: Departure
The decision to board The Ark and being crowned GHC Junior

CHAPTER 4: Fight to the Death
Battles with KENTA, GHC Grand Slam, returning to the juniors

CHAPTER 5: Trials
Misawa's death, injuries in succession, Noah's predicament

CHAPTER 6: Chaos
Returning to the heavyweight division, conflict, wrestlers leave, Suzuki Army and a new Noah in November 2016.

The new Noah and the 20th anniversary debut

EPILOGUE: Inheritance
The outcome of the genius's dream

The book will be released on the 1st September for those attending the 20th Anniversary at Sumo Hall. There will be a nationwide (Japan) release on the 7th September. It can be pre-ordered through Wani (Japan only)
