(NOAH) POST MATCH PROMOS ~ "Navigation For The Future 2019" Night Nine ~ Osaka World pavilion (Friday, January 25th 2019)

50 Funky Powers (Mohammed Yone & Quiet Storm)

Q: There have been four consecutive wins in the fight?
YONE: Even so, there is a reason why we have to take a stand. Once again, we aim to catch the championship belts, once more we have to lift it in the name of Storm and for Fifty Funky Powers.
STORM: The second time will be much much more sweet.
YONE: As you would expect, the power of the belt is amazing. Just having it, everything is different; the attention, your voice. It is hard to get it, but I want to stand there once more with Storm.
STORM: It was just last March! Lost at Yokohama! From that time on until now, I want the tag belts! I will fight against Hino for the first time in a long while. I don't like The Hooligans Hino.
Q: Tomorrow you have a singles match?
STORM: Single match after six years! I guess Hino has had various titles during that time, but I have been activie in the number one, Pro-Wrestling Noah! Tomorrow will be 50cm in your face! 1,2,3!
Q: Is it possible to have countermeasures against The Hooligans seconds?
YONE: In this round of battle, I think that both Sugiura and Saito have had things that are not pleasant, and I think Marufuji is also irritated with how tireless it is. I am planning to ask for a second, and I mean to stop their dirty tricks, and in that event I mean it will be an all out fight between us and The Hooligans! We will catch the belt once again, do you know why?
STORM: We cannot stop!
YONE: Won't stop!
YONE & STORM: Goin...goin..goin!!!

"This is the end of the battle against Daisuke Harada for the time being. As a result of the pre-fight, using my own intuition, I am going to do it as a terrifying script (rough). I feel good, I got the three...although I said at the signing ceremony I was going to take the belt tomorrow. I betrayed RATELS at the end of last year, which means that what we have done so far, is no more. With that kind of feeling, I will try hard in tomorrow's title match. Hahaha...(starts breathing heavily as if he is doing the Lamaze method and walks off)"

Link to original article from Noah.co.jp
Picture credit: Noah.co.jp
