(NOAH) RATELS POST MATCH PROMO (NOAH the SPIRIT 2019 - YAMADA Green Dome Maebashi / Sub Event Area, Gunma, Sunday May 19th 2019 ~ FINAL NIGHT)

RATELS (Tadasuke, Daisuke Harada, HAYATA & YO-HEY)

Q: In the time of need, this is a RATELS return?
HARADA: Sorry, they (Stinger) are "rough" and they have no compassion. This is the result. Although, the four of us are going to start again, the junior tag league will start on the 28th. It will be 2 on 2. This time it will be us who will smash his lungs (YO-HEY), we will win and stop their third consecutive victory. Tadasuke, this is the last chance.
TADASUKE: Lastly, I will just say this....

TADASUKE walks off without saying anything

YO-HEY (leaning on HAYATA): It's hard to say how it is...! My lung is torn, and it has become like this...it's destiny. I have nothing to say, but this is fate. I have returned to RATELS in this way...I don't know at the moment, but once I calm down, I have to reflect on various things...first, the most important is the tag league starting on the 28th, so I would like to focus on that first and win the third consecutive victory. So, after a long time as a last request, lets say...

Link to original article from Noah.co.jp
Picture credit: Noah.co.jp
