(NOAH) POST MATCH INTERVIEWS - STEP FORWARD 2022 (Saturday February 12th, Shimada City General Sports Center Sub Arena)

(Super Crazy & NOSAWA Rongai)

*Super Crazy is speaking in Spanish
NOSAWA: He is saying he is going to win! He says will bring it back to Mexico!
SUPER CRAZY: Yes! Yes! (laughs) I'll do my best. 

"It's okay. It's okay. It's just getting started. We, the Noah Junior Regular Army, will take the belt back, and from there our team will definitely be completed by the Tag Championships. We have time. It happened yesterday".

KIYOMIYA: Okay! Okay! *Takes a deep breath* I don't know what to say...I'm so happy (tries to hold back his tears) Ogawa-san is like a textbook for me...I have never had to watch my back so constantly. He is the coolest teacher! (Starts to well up again) Shit...
Q: When you won the word "happy" came out instead of the word "Luck"
KIYOMIYA: Rather than that, I am happy. Anyway, Ogawa's textbook has more pages. It's alot wider! There is more than that, and that was not all. So, I can't be too overjoyed yet, but it's given me amazing self confidence. 
Q: How will you make use of that confidence? 
KIYOMIYA: Of course as a champion! A belt! That is what I am aiming for. It would be rude to not feel confident in myself after experiencing this. 
Q: Many big matches are coming up this year. 
KIYOMIYA: I really want you to see Noah's every second, not just the big matches. I think the fans will definitely be able to convey their thoughts. I think that Nagoya will lead to a big match after that, and then there is the Nippon Budokan. The person who will draw the heat...it's me! 


NAKAJIMA: Like I said in the ring, do you know what day February 23rd in Nagoya is? February 23rd in Nagoya is the day I wear this GHC Heavyweight belt, and go beyond The Beast. Watch. 
Q: What kind of victory would be ideal? 
NAKAJIMA: In one go. In the pre match, it is possible that my attack wasn't working. No matter how big or strong he is, there is always a way to win? 
Q: Should you choke him out? 
NAKAJIMA: Sure. How to do it...I will leave that to your imagination
Q: Whether you knock him out with a kick or choke him out, whatever the case, it will be decided in an instant? 
NAKAJIMA: True, true. I am sure it will be. Katsuhiko Nakajima is likely to open a different door than before The Beast. 
