(NOAH) POST MATCH INTERVIEWS: SUNNY VOYAGE 2023 (Niigata/Aore Nagaoka, July 29th 2023)


KOTOGE: Okay, okay, okay. This is the second time tagging. It's really easy to work with Hi69, even more so than in the ring. I already feel a lot of potential. We can't be satisfied at this point, but at least, at the very least, lets definitely win this tag tournament. At least, let's win.
HI69: Oh, now is the only time.

"Shit! Ahhh! I'll remember this!"

"This year's N-1 VICTORY just proves that I'm going to win. The Samoan Dynasty will win, no matter who the opponent is!

"How's it going? Good looking, right? Us. Especially Jack Morris, a Super Good Looking Guy. Jack got the win today. Jack is steadily increasing his ability value. Maybe N-1 maybe...well, he is the same group as me. Let's have a good match (bumps fists with Morris) What that said" (Leaves with GLG)

SHIOZAKI: Nagaoka, it's been a while. I'm really happy to have this much support, it's been my strength, thank you. 
Q: In Niigata you have unparalleled strength, but has having Nagaoka before the N-1 given you an advantageous situation?
SHIOZAKI: I agree. I'm putting special effort into Niigata, I wonder why that is? Sacred place? It's a good place for me, but this time, there are no official matches in the N-1 VICTORY 2023. It's not only Niigata, but there are other places in the N-1 isn't going, but if you are nearby and can come, I honestly ask you to travel a little further. This is the atmosphere of Pro Wrestling Noah, and I hope that you will fully use all your senses your sight, your hearing and feel the atmosphere of the match, and the atmosphere of the battles. 
Q: Kenoh, who you fought fiercely with today, was saying "Come up to the finals?"
SHIOZAKI: Doesn't everyone say that? I won a tag against Kenoh the other day, a singles match is a different battle, one you cannot win unless you raise your spirits and change your mindset. B Block is full of fun wrestlers. N-1 VICTORY 2023, I'll show you a fight worthy of the name of the N-1. 

(Crawling on the floor) "Kenoh, you've got a good kick, but hey, it doesn't work on me at all. Do you know why? Hey, it's because I am the face of the Noah Juniors" (Crawls to the locker room)
