(NOAH) POST MATCH PROMOS: LIMIT BREAK (Saturday, April 27th - Yokohama Radiant Hall)

"I heard that it's been about a year since he debuted, and it may be a bit unfair to call him a newcomer now, but I think Noah has some really great rookies. He's got a lot of heart, and he has sharp movements, and I am looking forward to seeing him grow. Even if he's not on the same team as me, I am going to keep an eye on him. He's a great wrestler."

"This means that this is going to be a single. What I lack, not TEAM NOAH, is this tinging feeling. It's really good. I think being able to challenge scary seniors will bring out the best in Atsushi Kotoge as a wrestler, so this is perfect for me. There is no such thing as a complete loss, I will win, of course"

"I have only one thing to say...the floor of Radiant Hall is hard! (makes a hissing noise)

RUKIYA: There was nothing I could do, and lost...
AKIYAMA (Interrupting): You lost, don't speak! It's DDT here, so you can talk after you win. In DDT, you may talk even if you lose, but you don't have the right to talk. I'll do a singles with Kotoge, who today's loss was to. Regret what you said, I'll go with full power.

"It's such a luxury to have a singles match with Hi69. First of all, I would like to thank Noah and LIMIT BREAK for arranging this singles match. It was my first time fighting Hi69, but it somehow feels like it is not the first time. Thinking about it, I realized that there are seniors in DDT who have the same genes, and I have the utmost respect for those seniors. The fact that we didn't shake hands in the ring, means that there is more to this fight, and so I am looking forward to it. Now on to the main topic, the reason I came to LIMIT BREAK is to get a win over Go Shiozaki, the man behind LIMIT BREAK. I'm not saying that anytime is fine! Please arrange a singles match between Tetsuya Endo and Go Shiozaki as soon as possible. This is my request to Noah."

"He is the best and the strongest, which is why I will fight Tetsuya Endo over and over again!!"

YONE: Huge, big and hot! However, I am talking about BURNING, which isn't quite like that yet, but I think we will be able to create something even more fiery. I want to have new battles and even more passionate fights at TEAM NOAH'S LIMIT BREAK. What do you think, Fujita-san? 
FUJITA: Definitely, definitely. It's my Noah, right? Am I Noah? Which one? 
SHIOZAKI: Let's go with "My Noah". Isn't this the only place where you can see such intense conflicts that get everyone excited? 
YONE: This is the only place. Noah is of course hot, but aren't TEAM NOAH and LIMIT BREAK even hotter? If the number of people who come get so excited, then I guess we can judge it that way. There's more to come, and it's not over yet. Please follow us, TEAM NOAH!

ISHIKAWA: Seriously, a 20 minute draw! Is this TEAM NOAH's way of changing the rules because they want to! A draw! You changed the rules because you can! Just follow the rules!
IINO: We would have won! Shit...Shiozaki...at the very end! Shit!
ISHIKAWA: Shiozaki, Yone, Fujita...I will do this as many times as I want! It's okay if we are on the same time, let's make it worse. 
NAYA: No matter how you look at it, we were stronger than you! Hey, Yone! It's not like this. We are DDT, and it's not like this!
IINO: Hey, Go Shiozaki! It was a 20-minute draw, it went into overtime, but I won this one, unmistakably! I am Burning!

"Like I said on the microphone, the spirit of ZERO1 and Nagao's feelings resonated with me to the very depths of my heart, that's why I wanted to do my very best to respond to his feelings, because even if he says what he wants to do with the promotion, he can't actually do it with his career, and I guess that really shook my soul. So I think I did my best. A beast becomes stronger when it is injured, and I have always said, "What must be done". It's true that I've had many encounters with Go Shiozaki, but I've always fought against the champion Go Shiozaki as a challenger. But, if there is something I still have to do it say, I think it's what I should do with Shio when I have the belt, and see what I can convey. One of the things that must be done! I will prove that when I fight a man named Go Shiozaki! Today's opponent was ZERO1's Nagao. He was great. If I have a chance, I would like to do it again to my heart's content! In any case, the match with Shiozaki will be a match that will send chills down your spine! It's going to get hot from now on, and if you are looking for a chill that will send shivers down your spine, then come and see this!" 

"Shit! I didn't win...I'm disappointed! I didn't win, but Noah is amazing! Noah is amazing! I will definitely challenge again! I have started to feel more that I want to be ranked first in Noah, rather than the belt. It was frustrating, but it was fun. 

"Saito-san's eyes, the seriousness, that fight...I never really thought that I would be challenging for the World Heavyweight title, but after seeing Akitoshi Saito's fight and seeing the depth of his feelings, I will take on the challenge. I'm in a situation where I have to challenge Akitoshi Saito. It's certainly never happened before. I'll take on the challenge and win!"
