(NOAH): POST MATCH PROMOS - STAR NAVIGATION 2024 (Thursday 11th April, Korakuen Hall, Tokyo)

"I'm sure you all saw this, but I've managed to get the belt back, and I have something to say to Wolf; this belt is earned by fighting, it's not something you steal. Today I won with DragonBane's special move. AlphaWolf, see you at "MONDAY MAGIC"
(He also said he hoped DragonBane's nose heals soon, but PKDX/Noah seem to have cut this)

"Okay, Owada is gaining more and more power, but I'm not going to lose. I can't give up, and I can't stop aiming for a higher goal. I'll keep pushing forward faster and higher". 

"A grudge match has been set up in Niigata, but Jake has won in Osaka, YO-HEY also won, and I lost in Shimizu, but made up for it today. There is no point to the best of three in Niigata, right? It's a waste of time. TEAM NOAH, come at us more desperately and passionately with the intention to unsettle us!"

"Damn, GLG! TEAM NOAH isn't like this!" 

DAGA: This guy (Ulka) is the man! Junta is over. This guy is the future. Junta, you are nothing. By the way, Juniors, what's happening? I'm waiting for you. 
ULKA: Today was the first time that I teamed up with these two*, and even though there were a lot of things I couldn't do, it figures that it the excitement of it was irresistible. I would like to work with them again. 

*Yoshinari Ogawa and Daga, naturally Ogawa does not appear in the comments booth. 

"Hey, I got it! I'll accept anyone's challenge. Unless it's Jack." 

"This was a total circus, and I just lost something very important; the GHC National Championship. But, did you see it? Did you all see it? You saw what happened, I didn't lose. HAYATA cheated. I can't believe he would do something like that in a championship match with the National belt on the line. I demand a rematch immediately."

"Jake Lee, I'm not just beaten, I can't stop. I've lit a fire against him. If he gets made at me, I'll definitely light him up. Before I do this with Jake the next time, I'll be sure to bring out the real him." 

"Go Shiozaki, losing to me must have been shocking to you, but I will say this again: I am not in the position to challenge you. You are challenging me. Keep challenging me, Go Shiozaki."

"Hey, Kenoh! I don't care about how you have been harassing me up until now, let me go on my own way! I will move forward with confidence on the path I want to take, and from now on, I will lead Noah! Let's go to do some autographs!" 

"Oh shit, I lost. Hey, Kiyomiya. Is this the end? Are we finished? There's no way our relationship will end just because of this one win! It's still going to continue. What breakup? It's not a breakup!"
