(Big Japan) 26th October 2016: Takuya Nomura "Happy Birthday" Interview

 So, lets interview Nomura who has finished his trainee and birthday sparring juice (sprite).
 Q1: Yesterday victorious in All Japan, lets find out what is private about Nomura?

 Nomura: To be honest....I do not have any privacy

(It seems that Nomura is living an exemplary life at the Big Japan Dojo. His approach to this is a self-evaluation)

Q2: Have you noticed any changes in your life since your debut?

Nomura: I get up later in the mornings since the debut, by about fifteen minutes.
 Q3: What is your hobby

Nomura: My hobby is reading books, I mainly read autobiographies and novels by pro wrestlers! By the way, my favorite novellist is a secret, but it is not a sensual novel at all.

(I have heard that he does not read Hentai books)

Q4: What is your ideal kind of woman?

TN: A woman who is neat and has a sense of cleanliness is my type

 Q5: What do you think of women who can make delicious pasta?

Nomura: Very nice, I like Italy

(He likes Italian women it seems)
Q6: Your final words?

Nomura: Thank you for always supporting us.

(Nomura will be the manager for one day at YAMARYU, a professional wrestling bar, from 7pm for his twenty-third birthday)

Link to original article: https://ameblo.jp/nokamiya/entry-12213433137.html
