Hello everyone! It is Naomichi Marufuji, professional wrestler. Today we will introduce training equipment with a terrible name..."Monster Man Roller".
You can't see it well in the picture, but the catchphrase is "The Strongest Pectoral Muscle". I can only think of myself when boasting about pectoral muscles (lol). It is too bad!
Unlike traditional rollers this is one with two in the package, you can expect a lot from this as it gives the muscle short intensive training!
(One set of "Monster Man Rollers" that comes with two pieces.)
It seems that stimulus is given to the abdominal muscle and the pectoral muscle by moving each with longitudinal and lateral directions.
Well, lets get going.
First with the vertical version. This is the exercise to train abs.
(Rise up and draw in your stomach) |
(Rise up and draw in your stomach) |
Next, let's try the lateral movement to train the pectorals muscle.
(Move to one side and draw out your chest) |
This is....very hard....I remembered the models face and the catchphrase.
(What a relaxed facial expression he has) |
Indeed, if this is the case then literally the strongest pectoral muscle may be obtained...even by the standards of a professional wrestler, I think this equipment is rigid. I think there will be a lot of people who will not be able to do this properly. If you are tight, it seems impossible to apply an excessive load when you use your knees.
(If this is the case, then it will not take that much) |
Also, if you turn your wrist inwards, the stopper will work and he rollers will turn, which is a relief. This is a function that is not found in conventional rollers.
(Don't worry, it is impossible to injure yourself)
Each person is different in terms of physical strength, body shape, physical condition etc, so you can train safely without difficulty.
I will introduce a this to Pro Wrestling Noah. Everyone will have a good body!
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