(NOAH) EVENT RECAP: 17th November 2018, Edion Arena, Osaka ~ Global League night seven

"Very exciting event with lots of fans"

Said to be a great atmosphere today at the Edion Arena Osaka. 
Takashi Sugiura was on autograph duty today. This used to be a rare thing, now it is turning into a regular occurrence. Weekly Pro Magazine who were also at the event commented that the stand around Sugi was packed with people. 


Daisuke Harada
Minoru Tanaka
Yoshinari Ogawa
Hajime Ohara
Cody Hall
Masao Inoue
Junta Miyawaki
Yoshiki Inamura
Chang Yufeng
Lin Dongxuan

At the beginning Hajime Ohara shook hands with his Chinese students (whom he has forbidden to smoke during breaks in practice. 99% of the roster probably pities them).
Everyone ganged up on Cody Hall and eliminated him (he went out third and naturally the rookie, Inamura went out first). 
Junta Miyawaki managed to remain in the last four. 
I'm not sure if Tadasuke screwed Daisuke Harada over again, like he normally does in these (and then hides as Harada has a tantrum and Tadasuke is usually saved by other wrestlers or the referee)

The Battle Royale was over quickly, and it came down to Kumano, YO-HEY and Ohara (Kumano did a double pin on them, and Ohara looked stunned as if he was realizing how far his cub had grown)

I'm not sure what Kumano won though (aside from the title as head Grizzly Bear of the elimination match), but judging by the envelope, I think it was probably money.

WINNER: Hitoshi Kumano (9 minutes and 54 seconds)

Global League
Quiet Storm vs Mitsuya Nagai

WINNER: Quiet Storm with the lariat (8 minutes and one second)

Global League
Mohammed Yone vs Kaito Kiyomiya 

"My vocal cords broke"

As much as the crowd love Yone (who has a new costume for singles exhibitions I think), many people wanted to see Kaito Kiyomiya get over his losing streak and back into Global League. It was a hard fought match, but he did it. 

WINNER: Kaito Kiyomiya with the Tiger Suplex (11 minutes and 27 seconds)

Global League
Go Shiozaki vs Maybach Taniguchi 

Short but dense non stop battle which raged from the moment the bell went. Shiozaki has been determinedly focused in this league, and determined to correct last years Global League match when it went to a time limit draw. 
I true Hooligan fashion, there was the usual brawl outside the ring

Taniguchi put up a good fight, but fell before the silently focused force of nature which Shiozaki has become.

WINNER: Go Shiozaki with the lariat (6 minutes and 49 seconds)

Global League
Naomichi Marufuji vs Akitoshi Saito 

Very unusually for Marufuji he didn't enter the ring by jumping over the top rope (probably because of his shoulders both being braced); Marufuji looked fatigued as usual today, and he also appeared to be in pain before, during and especially afterwards, causing concern among fans. 

It was a hard match with Saito attacking the shoulders (which as mentioned above are now both braced, as is one of his knees, which he rolled the trouser leg up of for the Tiger King Knee Kick).

Afterwards Marufuji (holding ice pack to neck\shoulder) and Saito, shook hands and bowed.

Crowd intense for the match

WINNER: Naomichi Marufuji with the Tiger King Knee Kick (12 minutes and six seconds)

Takashi Sugiura & Kazusada Higuchi vs Atsushi Kotoge & Masa Kitamiya. 

The Dracula cape is back (maybe Kotoge has some kind of winter wardrobe for capes. I wouldn't put it past him).  Speaking of Osaka's local nut, Atsushi Kotoge decided to take on Kazusada Higuchi in a sumo showdown.
It didn't go well, and Higuchi threw him out of the way. 
Sugiura also imitated the revolutionary fist...

Fans want to see a single between Higuchi and Kitamiya as the two of them worked very well together. 

The menacing team of Sugiura and Higuchi got the win win (Sugi with the Olympic Slam on the Revolutionary Hero), afterwards Higuchi reminds him of their Global League match tomorrow in Kyoto....

WINNER: Takashi Sugiura with the Olympic Slam on Atsushi Kotoge (11 minutes and 57 seconds)

GHC Heavyweight Junior Championship
HAYATA vs Kotaro Suzuki 

All of RATELS came out to second HAYATA, who was drowned in a blizzard of purple streamers which they helped clear away. 

HAYATA hit quite a few moonsaults, match very intense with last moment kick outs etc. 
The crowd stamping feet on the floor throughout the match and screaming . 

However, HAYATA was not able to bring it home to Noah, and afterwards Tadasuke challenged Kotaro Suzuki for the belt. 

WINNER: Kotaro Suzuki with the Mass Driver (15 minutes and 44 seconds)

Global League
Kenoh vs Katsuhiko Nakajima. 

"I want Kenoh to be the bearer of the new generation of Noah"

Kenoh says its been a year since last year's draw. He will show Nakajima he is stronger, and he will defeat him.

The fight went outside with Kenoh being thrown into chairs and then knocked to the floor where Nakajima used a barrier on him, and grinned evily. Back in the ring the fight went backwards and forwards with kicks. 

After the match, Kenoh (who kept the crowd captivated and hanging on his every word), thanked them for coming today and said,  "No matter how tough you are, I am the last person standing in the ring"

WINNER: Kenoh with the diving footstomp (16 minutes and 48 seconds)

ATTENDANCE: 925 (super crowded)

WITH THANKS TO: Kai, RealNGreen, I was born, Miya, Satomi Ton, T. Ogawa, Noah's Star Kiyomiya is waiting!, Sarico, Dai, Masked de Baum, Noah GHC, Weekly Pro

"Everyone at the end of the Osaka Competition, I thank you for your hard work. 
It is painful not to be able to go tomorrow."
