(NOAH) Event recap ~ 25th November 2018, Korakuen Hall ~ Final night of Global League 2018
In conjunction with Hajime Ohara's honorary one day stint as the Chief of Police in Kawasaki, Noah held a small event with other promotions (Diana and W-1 participated), and there was also a small exercise class for children which Atsushi Kotoge helped out with.
Back at Korakuen there has been a change to the original card. Noah announced on the 24th November, that Naomichi Marufuji has had to pull out of the final stage of the competition due to a left shoulder contusion and left femoral rupture which had been exacerbated at Yokohama.
Marufuji was not at Korakuen Hall today as he had been sent to a clinic to have "Accuscope" treatment which is therapeutic, and designed by NASA (and as well as pain and inflammation, also claims to sort out crankiness too!)
Noah have not announced how long he will be out for, but with the level of injury, plus the wear and tear his body has gone through, it is not likely to be until 2019. Takashi Sugiura (kind of Marufuji's second in command), said for him to not rush back, and in the meantime Noah would band together and basically, raise the roof.
Prior to the event starting, Rikidozan footage (match vs Don Leon Jonathan) with Mitsuo Momota (Rikidozan's son) and Kazuo Tokumitsu (Japanese TV presenter and announcer) doing commentary was shown on the big screen.
"Atmosphere of excitement"

Atsushi Kotoge was on autograph duty today.
Today's show will be broadcast at 6pm on the 8th December on G+
Kenoh vs Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Kohei Sato
Katsuhiko Nakajima came out smirking, and then started off by sitting in the corner on the top turnbuckle watching Kenoh and Sato with a huge Cheshire Cat grin on his face.
Sato complained to the ref, and Nakajima was made to come down.
Later Nakajima left the ring and stood, smirked and watched Kenoh and Sato go at it in this match which was basically made up of them kicking each other as hard as they could.
WINNER: Katsuhiko Nakajima with the Frankensteiner on Kenoh (7 minutes and 47 seconds)
Daisuke Harada, HAYATA & YO-HEY vs Yoshinari Ogawa, Junta Miyawaki, Yoshiki Inamura
HAYATA and Yoshiki Inamura started off. Not really too much to report in this match today, except that Yoshinari Ogawa pulled a gun show\muscle pose, and was said to be on top form today.
Harada's finish on the rookie was spectacular.
WINNER: Daisuke Harada with the diving elbow on Yoshiki Inamura (9 minutes and 27 seconds)
50 Funky Powers (Mohammed Yone & Quiet Storm) & The Backbreakers (Hajime Ohara & Hitoshi Kumano) vs Masao Inoue, Seiya Morohashi, MA Zhu-Jiang & Lin Dong-Xuan
MA is one big guy, and inspired a lot of people to want to see more of him. Aside from Hajime Ohara wearing his police sash to the ring (he would also wear it when signing autographs and posing for pictures after the event), there wasn't really much to say about it, the audience being a bit worn out from the first two matches.
WINNER: Hajime Ohara with the Muy Bien on Seiya Morohashi (7 minutes and 45 seconds)
Masa Kitamiya, Kazusada Higuchi & Kouki Iwasaki vs The Hooligans (Maybach Taniguchi, Mitsuya Nagai & Cody Hall)
Gong sounds. Hooligans attack.
After the match, Mitsuya Nagai announced that there will be a new member of "The Hooligans" to be introduced at the next Korakuen Hall. They might not have gotten any results in Global League, but they can do this. Fans wondered whether this new member might be Kimiya Okada or maybe even MA?
WINNER: Mitsuya Nagai with the Nagai Lock on Kouki Iwasaki (9 minutes and 7 seconds)
Takashi Sugiura & Akitoshi Saito vs Go Shiozaki & Atsushi Kotoge
Go Shiozaki puts his patient face on when it comes to Atsushi Kotoge, the somewhat insane "Revolutionary Hero". Kotoge was at his most manic today, and was said to be the star of the match.
Akitoshi Saito, in somewhat touching gesture, came to the ring with both tag belts, one for him, and the other representing the absent Marufuji.
Takashi Sugiura didn't have a good evening, first Kotoge tried to put him in the "Revolutionary Fist Pose", but Sugi refused (Kotoge probably came up with a Gulag or something to send him to in his fevered imagination which told him that Global League was a game show and he got 100 points for beating Sugiura), and then Shiozaki busted his chest open with chops.
After the match Shiozaki held the tag belts in Saito's face and then turned to Kotoge silently, either he is appealing for a tag with Kotoge, or for a challenge for them, as they will have to be vacated now. Saito grabbed them off him and walked away.
WINNER: Go Shiozaki with the lariat on Akitoshi Saito (10 minutes and 3 seconds)
GHC Junior Tag Championship
Hi69 & Minoru Tanaka vs Koji Kanemoto & Hitoshi Yamato
Seiya Morohashi came out to second (what I guess is now "Special3"), Yoshinari Ogawa did not.
Koji Kanemoto did a painful looking "Facial Wash" on Hi69, but Hi69 it seems was having problems with his knees, especially after he had done his beautiful lionsault (he later commented that his knees had managed to endure). Hajime Ohara was on commentary for the match.
Then afterwards Morohashi and Kumano got into a fight outside the ring
WINNER: Minoru Tanaka with the Minoru Special on Hiroshi Yamato (16 minutes and 1 second)
GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship
Kotaro Suzuki vs Tadasuke
"What will you bring out today, Kotaro? So much fun!"
RATELS turned out to second and a huge "Tadasuke" chant spread round the arena.
Although Kotaro Suzuki is Noah born, and Tadasuke not, he, like HAYATA and Daisuke Harada, have somehow ended up representing Noah.
If you looked up to the balcony, Cody Hall and Kenoh were seen watching, Cody on display, and Kenoh kneeling by the balcony wall hiding with only his eyes and hair seen.
Tadasuke put up a good fight, counterattacked the Endless Waltz, but ultimately Suzuki pulled everything out and was very strong, even the Tiger Driver came out.
Harada accepted.
WINNER: Kotaro Suzuki with the Javelin (16 minutes and 40 seconds)
Global League Final
Kaito Kiyomiya vs Katsuhiko Nakajima
The crowd were very firmly behind Kaito Kiyomiya and chants filled the hall.
As soon as the bell went, Kiyomiya and Nakajima tore into each other, with Kiyomiya fighting like a demon. Kiyomiya using an Ultimate Tiger Drop from the apron, and a Chicken Wing Face Lock
HIGHLY intense highly charged match and atmosphere in Korakuen.
WINNER: Kaito Kiyomiya via Tiger Suplex (13 Minutes and 34 seconds)
After the trophy hugging, Takashi Sugiura came to the ring and Kiyomiya got on the microphone, and in usual polite fashion said, "Please let me challenge you for the belt".
Sugiura said he had no choice but to grant him a match, he had won the League.
Kiyomiya remained on the mic to say "I want everyone here to see a new look! The future face of Noah is me! (Thank you very much)"
Go Shiozaki raised some eyebrows by seconding Nakajima, and not Kiyomiya. Shiozaki did hint earlier in the evening he was looking for a tag partner...
Title match has been set for "Great Voyage in Yokohama Vol.2" which is Noah's final event of 2018.
"Congratulations to Kiyomiya on winning.
And to the title match also.
In the past 20 years, both myself and the company have struggled on stormy seas.
I will be back soon to go that place again."
Naomichi Marufuji
ATTENDANCE: 1442 (Full House)
WITH THANKS TO: Purodino, Metal-Noah, Abeshin, Shinya, Iwasborn, Shishido, Hamahamarin, Naoki, Even if I remove the mask, nothing has changed, Joseph Chaplin
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