(NOAH) Doug William's post match interview

16th December 2018

Q: What was your impression of the match?
WILLIAMS: It felt good. I was able to win, but I am very tired. After all, physically, it is tough. My opponent was one who was filled with memories, and he added it to it by focusing on my knee at one point which was hurting a while ago. That is truly Ogawa.
Q: It seems you have decided on retirement?
WILLIAMS: Parts are hurting, and it will take time to cure them, I don't know about the future, but for now I am going to retire.
Q: What are your thoughts of Japan?
WILLIAMS: I am really thankful to all the Japanese fans. I am really happy that they saw the British style, and accepted it.
Q: Do you have a message to the next generation of  your the reassessment of the circumstances of the British style?
WILLIAMS: British style is a work in progress, and not something you can be impatient with. Assemble your skills, don't rush, attack slowly and make free use of that while inflicting damage.

Picture credit ~ Noah GHC
