Event recap ~ Premium Prelude, Kobe Sambo Hall, Kobe, Hyogo (Night 4,13th October 2019)

Because of the destruction the typhoon had caused, Noah had asked people again, to take into consideration the travel difficulties they may face getting to the arena, but it looked like they had a very good turnout. I am afraid at the time of writing I do not know the attendance (the main site is going through an aggravating time where it is not announced).
Noah ran a lottery with the first prize being a t-shirt Naomichi Marufuji had drawn caricatures of the roster on (other prizes included a coin purse, a sticker that you could chose).
The nodding Shiba was back on the merchandise stand, with Naomichi Marufuji signing autographs, and the NOAH'S ARK FC being manned by YO-HEY, Sonico and Kaito Kiyomiya.
Minoru Tanaka vs Hitoshi Kumano
Good opening match, with Kumano said to be consistently good from the start to the finish.
Minoru Tanaka had signed the cap of his water bottle, and threw it to a little boy in the crowd.
WINNER: Minoru Tanaka with the Minoru Special (7 minutes, 31 seconds)
The Return of The Dark Agents (Akitoshi Saito & Masao Inoue) vs 50 Funky Powers (Mohammed Yone & Quiet Storm)
WINNER: Mohammed Yone with the Funky Buster Bomb on Masao Inoue (8 minutes, 3 seconds)
YO-HEY vs Sonico
Sonico apparently bit YO-HEY's fingers (Probably tasted of nicotine).
WINNER: YO-HEY with the Facial G (9 minutes, 30 seconds)
STINGER (Yoshinari Ogawa, Atsushi Kotoge & Chris Ridgeway) vs HAYATA, Daisuke Harada & Tadasuke
Despite not being part of the match because he was seconding his teammates, YO-HEY joined in with Tadasuke's entry, and struck a usually exuberant pose on the turnbuckle. Not sure why he was later seen on the apron, pulling down HAYATA'S hood though...
Tadasuke was wearing the aviator shades again, but he had gone back to his old style pants (no stars today).
No Kotaro Suzuki today either (as due to his own schedule being a freelancer he was unavailable), so Ogawa wore both the belts.
WINNER: Yoshinari Ogawa with the backdrop on Tadasuke (12 minites, 57 seconds)
Afterwards, both teams (including YO-HEY) had a stare standoff.
The Sugiura Army (Takashi Sugiura, Hajime Ohara, NOSAWA Rongai & Kinya Okada) vs Naomichi Marufuji, Shuhei Taniguchi, Hi69 & Junta Miyawaki.
There was little boy (probably no more than six or seven) who was standing by the entrance wearing a Sugiura Army t-shirt, got a hand-slap from Sugiura.
During the match Kinya Okada attacked Shuhei Taniguchi (as one fan put it "he tried"), Naomichi Marufuji and Takashi Sugiura faced off in a chop war.
Despite not getting his win over one of his seniors, Junta Miyawaki was said to be growing.
WINNER: Takashi Sugiura with the Olympic Slam on Junta Miyawaki (21 minutes, 43 seconds)
Kaito Kiyomiya & AXIZ vs Kongoh (Kenoh, Masa Kitamiya & Yoshiki Inamura).
Vicious fights broke out between Kenoh and Kaito Kiyomiya, and Katsuhiko Nakajima and Masa Kitamiya. Said to be a very fast match with good co-operation between AXIZ and Kiyomiya for their first outing as a tentative team.
WINNER: Kaito Kiyomiya with the Stretch Plum Facelock on Yoshiki Inamura (21 minutes, 18 seconds)
After the match Kaito Kiyomiya (after holding up the belt to Kenoh, and after Kenoh had stamped off swearing at him), made a sweet speech to the audience, he spoke about the typhoon and thanked everyone for coming out and how he hoped that people would be encouraged by the power of professional wrestling.
WITH THANKS TO: ℜℑ✞𝔖𝔄, NOAH BOY'S father, RealNGreen, T.Ogawa, Junichi Yamashita
NOAH'S NEXT EVENT: Kanazawa Distribution Hall, 14th October 2019
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