(NOAH) POST MATCH PROMOS ~ Akita Terrsa, Akita ~ 11th December 2019 ("STARTING OVER 2019")


Q: Did you smash Inamura in front of Kitamiya, for Okada?
SUGIURA: Well, he was defeated anyway. He doesn't have to just watch, he can come in. It's okay. Try to get in the way, because you can't win anyway.
Q: Was 3 vs 2 good too?
SUGIURA: Oh. It's okay. Come back in.
Q: He invaded when he announced the challenge, but after that he has not used forced measures.
SUGIURA: Is he shy? Wasn't without thinking the previous time. He doesn't do it then, even during the match its okay. Speaking of Masa, there is not enough stimulation, that is because he normally wins, so please do something. It's not amusing. Intrusion? Good. Come on!
Q: Ohara, are you ready for your 15th anniversary match?
OHARA: Thanks to Mr. Sugiura, I will be able to make a milestone for my 15th anniversary. It has been a long time since I have been involved with the Principal (Ultimo Dragon, his teacher), usually I am next to the Principal and not facing him. While getting back to the start, and heading towards Junior League next year, I am thinking of joining at The Sugira Army, so it is not just RATELS and STINGER.


KENOH: Today we lost to The Sugiura Army, but you can't end Kongoh! Two new people will join Kongoh at the Kongoh Entertainment? These two are our friends at the produce. Are they people from Noah? Are they people from outside of Noah? I am not saying! These are two guys who have the same behavior, thoughts and strong beliefs as us! Kongoh will be 5 people at the produce! We will make this ring of Noah's which does not shine at all, shine like a diamond!
Q: Even just a hint about the two?
KENOH: Hint...people in Noah, or people outside of Noah? That is your hint. The only thing I can say is that they have the same strong beliefs as us!


Q: The pre-match was won?
SHIOZAKI: No response came. He was more tense when fighting defenses before.
Q: Is it not enough?
SHIOZAKI: Is it enough? Was that enough?
Q: You want to get more tension from Kiyomiya?
SHIOZAKI: That's right. Otherwise, when I take the GHC Belt from him, my joy will be halved. Come on even more. No, you should be able to do more. I am always aiming at your neck.
Q: Kiyomiya said, "We will go from the pre-match to the title match...?"
SHIOZAKI: Did he say that? I am always thinking of each match as a title match, it's not just a plan for a title match (rough). It is about putting on the GHC belt, at the 4th January match? (rough)

Link to original article from Noah.co.jp
Picture credit: Noah.co.jp
