(NOAH) Abema's live broadcast of Noah, a watching President Fujita is given tape

17th February 2020

This is the first live broadcast of Pro Wrestling Noah on AbemaTV since they became part of CyberAgent at the end of January. The event started at 11.30am, and during it it gathered about 60,000 making domestic trend enter on Twitter.

Noah President Sanshiro Takagi (50), who watched the event with CyberAgent President Susumu Fujita said he was pleased with the response, "It is amazing that we were able to make a trend on a Sunday afternoon, which has so much competition."
Regarding future broadcasts he said, "We are planning a monthly pace, but I would like to discuss it with the Abema representative to receive his response."

For the owner, President Fujita, this was his first experience of watching Noah. "When I heard his thoughts after the event, he said it was really interesting and there were many big wrestlers."
Also, maybe because President Fujita wore a mask*, the fans around him did not recognise him. He said, "Before the main event I was given paper tape from a nearby fan of Kaito Kiyomiya, which I threw"

*Most likely a hygiene one

Link to original article from NikkanSports.com
Picture credit: NikkanSports
