(NOAH) POST MATCH PROMOS "HIGHER GROUND 2020" Night 2 ~ Aore Nagaoka Arena, Niigata, Saturday February 8th.


Q: You had a single match with Kumano, who was also your opponent in your debut match?
KIYOMIYA: There was something that I felt today, which was when I was putting on the belt (GHC Heavyweight). I felt that everyone has their own way of fighting, and that not everyone is on the same path.
Q: Did you feel as if you had returned to your origins?
KIYOMIYA: I returned to the beginning. He was my opponent in my debut match, and I've been able to return to my origins.
Q: The match for the GHC National has been arranged, you have fought Sugiura many times, but what is the difference this time?
KIYOMIYA: Even though its a saying on social medial, I think that something different can be shown, something completely different from the others, and something completely different from the other fights. There is a pre-match in Nagoya, and I think that our fight is the only one that stands out, and I am proud of this fight with Sugiura.
Q: You said you felt the potential of the National Championship?
KIYOMIYA: "The National belt"...with that belt I think I can open up a variety of options, just like a branch of a single tree. The possibilities are expanding, and I think that there are only things that I can show. The reason is that last year, I brought the belt I had last year to various places, and saw various views with my own eyes. Right now I think I can show something interesting, and I think that now is the time to do it. This is a challenge to sharpen myself. Anyway, even if I don't have the belt I don't think this idea is meaningless, I want to go ahead with it anyway, looking at the path I have decided on.

STINGER (Kotaro Suzuki and Atsushi Kotoge)

YO-HEY appears just as Kotoge & Kotaro try to speak

YO-HEY: Wait, wait
KOTARO: Manners!*
YO-HEY: I am not going to excuse losing, but I am going to accept today's defeat like man! But! But! B..U..T (note, he is speaking in English). At the last Korakuen I pinned you, one, two three...and so you said that even if you were pinned and lost you wouldn't recognise it.
KOTARO: Today you were pinned in return, and so it's not going to happen.

YO-HEY: Okay, yeah! You will acknowledge it!

YO-HEY then imitates their pose says it is like a models, usually a posing child, but the angle is wrong, and then leaves saying "Aaaaah, shit!"

KOTOGE: Nothing will come of this, and if anything the title match has been resolved. In order to increase the value of the belt, the rejection is considered a good choice. They haven't actually produced any results, and all HAYATA did was stand around today? I want the best challenger to come, a more suitable one. 
KOTARO: You have to bring something good. If you can do that then, I will say "We will do it."
Q: Are there any there teams other than HAYATA & YO-HEY that you are interested in?
KOTARO: Marufuji and Mochizuki
KOTOGE: Wow, that's worrying
KOTARO: On the Junior weight, why is the size of the buckle on the belt different although the weights are the same?
Q: Are you aiming for a higher perspective than HAYATA & YO-HEY?
KOTARO: Yes. I'm not anxious about that team. There's nothing else.

*Kotaro actually said "Discipline", which is a phrase used in Japan when a young person does not show the correct respect or the correct manners, therefore "Manners" is a more appropriate translation into English. 


Q: Are you steadily making your way through the country as champion?
SHIOZAKI: I was able to show Noah's fight, and this increased the intensity of the fans and customer.
Q: You said that no matter where you have a match, you were going to strike Kazuyuki Fujita?
SHIOZAKI: Yes. I always keep that feeling alive, and I want to make it even bigger. I am taking it to my virtual Yoshida.
Q: At the end, the first line you used was "I am Noah?"
SHIOZAKI: Yes. It's not just because I am wearing the GHC. I declared "I am Noah" as the centre of Noah, wearing the GHC and carrying the green. I want to maintain that feeling, and the pride of Noah in the ring as "Noah's World".
Q: The audience seemed to be responding, will you establish this?
SHIOZAKI: Of course. First of all, I have to protect this GHC, and I will protect Pro Wrestling Noah...

RATELS (Daisuke Harada, Tadasuke, YO-HEY & HAYATA)
(Note - in YO-HEY speech Harada is "Boss", Tadasuke "Okasan" (Mom) and HAYATA "Wife")

YO-HEY: Just now we just lost a six man tag, we three lost, and the comments were crazy, and something has come from YO-HEY-chan's no sweat brain. I have a little suggestion. Boss (Harada), myself and Okasan (Tadasuke) have decided on a card that will hit STINGER, in a three man. Sorry Okasan, but I need to replace you with Wife. I want to do my best to return what happened today as much as possible. Okasan, can I replace you, is it okay?
TADASUKE: Let's do it! Leave Haoh to me!

YO-HEY: Thanks! Let me just say one last thing..Kotaro Suzuki and Atsushi Kotoge did this (does an exaggerated challenge refusal X pose)...the angle was slightly off, and I don't acknowledge it being an "X". That's all!
HARADA: I'm impatient! I am chomping at the bit, Yoshinari Ogawa! How long have you run away? I won the harsh Junior League match, and well, I might have lost at Yokohama, but I'm not going to give up. How long have you been running, Yoshinari Ogawa? Fight me for the belt.

Link to original article from Noah.co.jp
Picture credit: Noah.co.jp
Gif credit: Noah GHC 
