(NOAH) Katsuhiko Nakajima on "Hiru Pochi"

2nd March 2020

Katsuhiko Nakajima appeared this morning in Gunma on what we would term as "morning programming" (one of those information shows with cooking, fashion, news stories, special guests etc). The show he appeared on was called "Hiru Pochi!". The name of the show could be kind of seen like turning on a light, or since "Pochi" is an onomatopoeic word for turning on a switch, and "Hiru" means to "pull", so it could be seen as if you were pulling on a cord to turn on a light.
He was introduced as something you would never ever hear in Noah, as the "WRESTLE-1 champion!"

Nakajima's time on the show was short, only about ten minutes (or less), and fortunately I have managed to get some information about what he talked about (in a very polite way of speaking) other than plugging Noah's Maebashi event;

~ He will be 32 on the 11 March (he said this with a laugh, although it should be noted that early twenties to mid thirties is the average age of the Noah roster)
~ Katsuhiko Nakajima can turn his thumb 90 degrees in reverse (probably due to years of floor exercises)
~ Nakajima spoke about Noah's style of wrestling (it's "fight with aesthetics" which basically means the wrestlers fight with their minds, they fight with philosophy and they turn what they do into an art form with an underlying set of principals as mentioned above).
~ He also spoke about what inspired him to be a wrestler, and about his debut.

With thanks to: Oka_D_anna
Picture credit: Noah GHC
