(NOAH) Destroy the ring?! Noah's rising star Inamura battles with tag champion Rene

15th July 2020
ABEMA TIMES\Yahoo.co.jp

At Pro Wrestling Noah's empty arena event, "NOAH NEW HOPE" the size of the ring is smaller than usual due to the characteristics of holding it in a studio. As the distance between the wrestlers is closer, it makes the "density" higher in terms of visuals, and therefore it is necessary to devise a unique atmosphere and fighting style. If anything, if a wrestler who has a large body has a usual match, it may become a battle that sticks out from the ring. 

At "NOAH NEW HOPE" which was broadcast on July 12th, there was a singles match between one half of the GHC Heavyweight tag champion, Rene Dupree, and Yoshiki Inamura. According to their official profiles, Rene is 113kg and Inamura 115kg. It was a match between large wrestlers. 

Inamura's reckless charge was conspicuous in comparison to Rene, who has a long career of matches. From the headlock shown at the beginning of the match, he ran the ropes with force to fire off the challenge repeatedly, and Rene involuntarily fell to his knees. The ring seemed to shake every time Inamura ran. If anything for those involved it was said "If Inamura runs wild in that little ring, he could break it". His potential was seen in the match against Rene, where he caught his opponent who flew from the corner, and threw him with a front suplex before Inamura flew from the corner. It was a diving shoulder attack with a long airtime. However, due to the small ring this technique became a roll. It was Rene who won with the diving elbow drop in the end, and showed craftiness in the fight against Inamura's momentum. 
After losing the match, Inamura tweeted, "He wasn't just big, he also had strength, but, I will continue to improve my strength and break through."
Expectations for Noah's leading large power fighter are high, and he will appear in the first match at Korakuen Hall on July 18th when the box office with audience returns. The restart will be the fuse that will explode the experience gained in the empty arena matches. 

Picture credit: Yahoo.co.jp\ABEMA TIMES


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