(NOAH) Noah recipes

The collection of Noah recipes will be put here so they are easily accessible in one place. All have been translated into English, and contain tips and information on where to find ingredients, and in some cases what to substitute if you don't have them (however the Misawa chanko contains a very hard to find ingredient if outside of Japan, which there isn't really a suitable substitute for).

Most recipes are from Pro Wrestling Noah (or in the case of Masa Kitamiya's who bought his from Diamond Ring), are used or have been used in the Noah dojo. Some come from the Four Pillars era of All Japan and in the case of The Great Kabuki, even earlier. 

This is a work in progress, and I hope this page will continue to grow.

Chankonabe (aka "Chanko")
What is Chankonabe?

Mitsuharu Misawa's favorite Chankonabe
Chicken Salt Chankonabe (recipe highly recommended)
Chankonabe recipe from the Noah dojo
Masa Kitamiya's Curry Chankonabe recipe 
Baba Era All Japan Chankonabe recipe
Jumbo Tsuruta's Chankonabe 
Yoshiki Inamura's Pork Chankonabe
The Great Kabuki's Chankonabe 
Yu Owada's Improved Salt Chanko

Go Shiozaki's Pork Tonkatsu 
