(NOAH) The reasons for choosing STINGER in the Noah Juniors: Interview with "Oriente" Susumu

Pro Wrestling DX
12th December 2020

At the 6th December Yoyogi event, Susumu of FREEDOMS took off his mask and decided to participate in the Noah juniors. 36 years old with a 17 year career, he shares the same roots with HAYATA and Seiki Yoshioka. Although he belongs to FREEDOMS, he has drawn a clear line between deathmatches. He appeared in Noah first as a masked man in the juniors, betraying Kotaro Suzuki and entering STINGER. It looked like a whim, but all the "lines" were interlaced behind the action.


Q: You appeared in Noah as a masked man (Sarubahe de Oriente), betrayed Kotaro and entered STINGER unmasked as Susumu.
SUSUMU: I was originally invited by Kotaro Suzuki to come to Noah, but that at point I didn't know much about the situation of the unit conflict in Noah. Then, when I contacted HAYATA (who he has a connection with), because I was going to Noah, it seemed that there were difficulties between himself and Kotaro. So I thought, "Oh, this looks interesting", and that's how it came to be. 
Q: Did you hesitate to betray Kotaro, who created the opportunity for you to go to Noah? 
SUSUMU: Yes. Hmmm...he is saying "it's war", but please don't go wah wah because I couldn't go to the signing ceremony due to a little traffic jam.
Q: In retrospect, at the signing ceremony two days ago, three people were unnaturally absent, but were you able to talk from then? 
SUSUMU: Yes, that's right.
Q: You are HAYATA'S senior, but what is your relationship with him? 
SUSUMU: I made my debut at WrestleGate in Hiroshima, and then both HAYATA and Seiki Yoshioka entered. Over time the three of us went to different groups. I was supposed to go to FREEDOMS, but as he was my tag partner, HAYATA was invited, so we wore the FREEDOMS tag belt there. Therefore, I have a stronger impression of HAYATA being a "trustworthy partner" rather than a "junior". 
Q: Where you interested in HAYATA'S success? 
SUSUMU: Naturally. He has a lot of achievements, so I don't see him as a "junior". I respect him as a wrestler.
Q: Yoshioka is also in the Noah Juniors, oddly enough once again the three of you are pulled together again. 
SUSUMU: Yes. In addition to HAYATA and Yoshioka, Hi69 (currently Nioh), is the senior who helped me the most when I went to FREEDOMS. This is a ring with many people who I have various ties to. 
Q: Amongst all of them, you entered Yoshinari Ogawa's STINGER
SUSUMU: I had a singles match with Ogawa once (Shinjuku, April 3rd, 2015). It was when I was wearing a mask (as dragon JOKER) for Tenryu Project, but I was incredibly beaten. He is the amazing person as rumored. Because of that experience, I didn't have any legs or hands. 
Q: You selected STINGER
SUSUMU: Yes. I think there are many things that can be absorbed (from Ogawa), by his side. I imagine that it will be interesting regardless of teaming with HAYATA or Ogawa.
Q: So the reason why your betrayal suddenly popped out is not that, more that all threads were entwined? 
SUSUMU: Yes, out of everyone I felt that STINGER was the unit I had a connection with. 
Q: The Noah Juniors are in a fierce unit conflict, how do you want to move as a unit? 
SUSUMU: I myself have never really belonged to something like a unit. However, I am in a group of talented people, and I am confident that I can do something in Noah. 
Q: There is a strong impression that you are leaving behind the hardcore and deathmatches in FREEDOMS.
SUSUMU: I was the only wrestler in FREEDOMS who did only "pure wrestling". I say no to deathmatches, so I think I have come to a stage where I can make the most of myself, and I think I have come to a ring that I can aim at. 
Q: What other wrestlers are you conscious of in the Noah Juniors? 
SUSUMU: I have been involved in a match with almost all the other Noah juniors in various promotions, but there is one wrestler with who I haven't. Daisuke Harada is the wrestler who I am wondering if I can finally have a match with!
Q: He is the currently wearing the GHC Junior belt
SUSUMU: Yes, but he is a wrestler who wants to fight regardless of the belt. Of course, when there is a chance for belts, both singles and tags, I will go for it.
Q: The match against KOTARO on the 19th December in Nagoya has been arranged? 
SUSUMU: This is my first match as SUSUMU, I can't lose this battle to Kotaro. No matter what. Because he is the opponent that I double crossed, I think he will come to crush me with all his power. I won't take a step in retreat. It will be a fierce match, won't it? 
Q: How do you want to win? 
SUSUMU: Since submissions are a strong point, I want to somewhat make him give up. I don't think anyone can use submissions like I do, so I am confident in that.
