(NOAH) Pro Wrestling Casebook ~ A shock ran through Michinoku, when Kenoh announced he was joining Noah (2013)

21st January 2021
BBM Japan.com

On December 13th, 2013, at Michinoku Pro's Korakuen Hall event, Kenoh announced that he would be participating in Noah, and therefore returned the Tohoku Junior Championship Belt. At the Ace's sudden announcement of withdrawal, a big quake ran through Michinoku Pro Wrestling. 

On December 13th, 2013, a shock ran through Michinoku Pro Wrestling's Korakuen Hall event when the Ace, Kenoh, who had been defending the promotion's original title, The Tohoku Junior Heavyweight Championship in the main event, announced to commissioner, Jinsei Shinzaki, that he would be participating in Noah and therefore would be returning the belt;

"President Shinzaki, you gave me the ring name "Kenoh". Originally, I wanted to be "Kenoh" and today at Korakuen, and at the Tohoku Region, I received cheers from the fans saying, "Kenoh!". I am very attached to this ring name now. In order to raise the name of "Kenoh", and to be even better as a wrestler, I am going to fight in Noah from now on, and today I will be returning this belt."

At that time, Kenoh was twenty-eight years old with a career of five years and nine months. He was Michinoku's Ace, alongside Fujita "Jr." Hayato. He had already been crowned the Tohoku Junior Champion twice. In order to aim for the top as a pro wrestler, it was natural to be driven by the urge to break free of the current situation, and compete on a bigger stage. In response to his pupil's aspirations, Jinsei promised support saying, "I have made the road to Noah, for you to do the rest and rise."

Kenoh also spoke of his ambitions backstage,

"I think being a pro wrestler, os the best job for me. I would like to devote my life to this profession, and from now on walk forward into the future. It is a mundane way of putting it, but being a professional wrestler is the best. That is why I want to see the scenery from the top as a pro wrestler. I promise it here now, as a pro wrestler, I will go to the top of the wrestling world for Michinoku Pro, the original Kenoh. I think that it will be the best repayment for Jinsei Shinzaki's path."

From the following year, Kenoh participated in Noah regularly. He officially joined in March 2015, and was crowned the GHC Heavyweight Champion for the first time in December 2017. He is currently the leader of Kongoh, the GHC National Champion, and a core wrestler of Noah. 

Last year, on December 26th, at Noah's Korakuen Hall event, Jinsei teamed up with Kenoh for the first time in five and a half years. 
"He is from Michinoku Pro originally, and has the best career in the pro wrestling industry now. I am very happy", Jinsei said proudly of his pupil.

Was the decision of the twenty eight year old, right or wrong? It goes without saying what the answer is.
