(NOAH) Sakuraba refuses to "chug", Sugiura goes into the title match declaring "never to gel"?...

25th May 2021
Pro Wrestling DX

※ Both sign the title match contract

SUGIURA: At the signing ceremony, the Sugiura Army fight against each other with beer. As it's such a time, it's a non alcoholic toast! 

※ Two mugs of non-alcoholic beer is bought in, Sugiura and Sakuraba link arms and chug. Sakuraba only drinks a little bit, Sugiura complains and Sakuraba dismisses it.

SUGIURA: Fujita and I shared the same sentiments, so we got together to chug, this time it is an inter-unit match, but the match doesn't gel...why aren't you drinking? 
SAKURABA: Froth is no good, if it was Shochu...
SUGIURA: Well, I only drink Happoshu at home, and it doesn't foam. Kazushi Sakuraba is drinking Happoshu instead of beer, so it is no good. 
SAKURABA: Shochu or Highball is OK!
SUGIURA: Then after the match, let's celebrate my victory
SAKURABA: It's here, here now, the victory celebration. 
SUGIURA: No, no. If you don't chug then the match will never gel!
SAKURABA: The amount is too much
SUGIURA: How does Kazushi Sakuraba, who was inducted in the UFC Hall of Fame, and played a very active part in PRIDE, say such a thing? The match will never gel!
Q: Never gel, is that so? 
SAKURABA: You don't know if it is going to gel or not until we try it 
Q: What is your impression of Sakuraba as an opponent? 
SUGIURA: He is difficult. As I said, I don't think it is going to gel. Even in the pre matches, blocks, exchanges, and I can never get on with Saku's ground fighting. That is why I am saying that is not going to gel.
Q: Can you see the attitude of not being on the same level in the ring with the attitude of not chugging? 
SUGIURA: You saw it, I tried it. When it was Fujita we were able to communicate with each other and have such an intense match. But this is non-alcoholic! You can't drink non alcoholic beer? Former partner!
SAKURABA: You don't have to get so angry...    
Q: You won't be rising to Sugiura's ring? 
SAKURABA: No, it's already high. I will do it at my own pace.
Q: You know each other's technique, but is there a secret plan? 
SUGIURA: The slaps come from the right after the left, and then the right and the left, and the from the right and the left. Be careful. 
SAKURABA:...You have received it. I am not going to talk about it.
SUGIURA: Isn't it okay to tell me a little? Will it be my arms, or will it be my legs? When it was QUINTET is was only my upper body, so could you limit it this time as well? 
SAKURABA: The last time it was arms, so this time it will be legs. The tackle will be legs, so I will just use the feet. 
Q: Will the tag dissolve depending on the outcome of the match? 
SUGIURA: This is the first person who I have crossed arms with in this situation, and doesn't want to chug. Highball, your strong point, after the match? Shochu? I want you to chug it, and then think again. 
Q: That leaves Sasadango Machine...
SUGIURA: (※In a controlled tone) I am telling him to stop it. (※In a barking tone like Riki Choshu) I am telling him "Don't come again". Stop mentioning him yeah, do you understand? 
