(NOAH) Reporter Kendo Kashin appears at the press conference and sanctions Tani saying, "Boring answers"

Friday 30th July 2021
Pro Wrestling DX

Q: What do you have to report? 
TANI: Hello everyone! I will participate in the grand event in Hiroshima as King Tani for the first time. In the first match the opponents will be Funky Express, Aki & Yone. I would like to excite things from the first match, thank you.
Q: It's new you have a cigar, and are you also wearing precious metals? 
TANI: Yes, as a King I am going to become more and more like a King from now on. Starting with the appearance? Yes, that's right.

For some reason, Kendo Kashin, who was sitting in the press conference, raises his hand as a reporter

REPORTER KASHIN: I'm Kashin from Kendo Sports. When are you going to bring the Queen? 
TANI: No...there is no Queen anymore. I won't bring one. 
REPORTER KASHIN: Don't bring one...if you look at your Twitter you, "ate eel", "Got Pikachu", "Saw a cat"...I'm saying that's not the case. Did you eat the eel? Well? 
TANI: Yes, I ate eel...during the hottest days of the year
REPORTER KASHIN: That's what you say King, but it's okay to lie. Eat a hamburger at Burger King. 
TANI: I ate hamburger steak
REPORTER KASHIN: So, did you eat eel? Eh? Did you do it? 
TANI: What are you doing? 
REPORTER KASHIN: If you eat eel, you may get sick! Did you? Did you? 
TANI: ...I didn't.
REPORTER KASHIN: I don't know...that's it. Thank you.

The situation settled down, but after the press conference Kashin attacked Tani with "Boring answers!" and a fight broke out. Kashin said, "You are going home? Bring the queen!" to which Tani screamed involuntarily, "No one is there!"
