(NOAH) N-1 PRESS CONFERENCE BLOCK A: Mutoh confesses "upset", Kiyomiya "I will grasp something"

Manabu Soya
Keiji Mutoh
Kaito Kiyomiya
Takashi Sugiura

MANABU SOYA: This is my second year participating in the N-1. In this A block with the GHC National and the GHC tag champions, I want to face every match as a title match and exceed my limits. 
KAITO KIYOMIYA: I will make my own place within the N-1 (Turns to stare at Keiji Mutoh) I will stop these continuous defeats. I will defeat Keiji Mutoh, and win the N-1!
TAKASHI SUGIURA: I am Takashi Sugiura of the Sugiura Army. Before anything else, in tomorrow in the first match of the N-1, I would like to quickly beat the new student next to me, gain momentum and then win everything. Thank you. 
KEIJI MUTOH: I have talked a lot about the N01 in various media, so I have nothing to say now. I will do my best to win the championship. That's it. 

Q: Mutoh you said you were going to "challenge yourself", but what is your condition just before, including your mental aspect? 
MUTOH: There are a variety of things. My condition isn't that good, but I just can't talk about that right now. Don't let me say that when the match starts tomorrow. 
Q: Takashi Sugiura said, "I will defeat the new recruit quickly", Kiyomiya said that he would "beat the opponent who I lost to before", and Seiya who you called "Udo no Oki*", says he will "break your legs". Are you aware of this situation? 
MUTOH: It's like this entering a league, it's not just the N-1. It's been ten years since one, and ten years ago I think I would probably have been the top candidate for the championship in this situation. Always. First on the list at that time. Only this time I think that this speaking style, while good, is an "upset" for things. While that is not my point, I am thinking about an "upset". I am thinking of expressing it in the match. 
Q: How clear is Kiyomiya's current condition and mentality? 
KIYOMIYA: I have been really worried about various things until now, but during this time I was able to take the win (NOSAWA Rongai battle) at Yokohama Radiant Halls. Since the N-1 is now before me, I can completely turn towards it to win. Those are my feelings. 

Q: Sugiura, you will go into it as a double champion? 
SUGIURA: You, take your hat off first. 
*The reporter is bald*
SUGIURA: You, put it back on. Good. So, what? 
Q: You will enter as double champion? 
SUGIURA: That is why I can't lose easily. I don't think I can win if I lose the league matches, so I am going to win all the matches as I said earlier. 
Q: Soya, the opponent in the first match will be Kiyomiya? 
SOYA: I have nothing to lose, so I will fight with all my power. 

*Means something large which has no function other to offer shade, i.e. a big tree.
