(NOAH) Harada and Kotoge announce the launch of the junior based brand "N INNOVATION", three events from 1st January start in Yokohama

26th November 2021
Pro Wrestling DX

HARADA: Hello everyone. I'm Daisuke Harada of Pro Wrestling Noah. We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Noah Junior brand. 

*Atsushi Kotoge reveals the logo*

HARADA: It is called "N Innovation". The meaning of the word "Innovation" is change and innovation. I wanted to hold a brand new tournament that Noah has never had before, so the "N Innovation" has been launched. Aa for the schedule, I would like to start from Radiant Hall on January 6th, 7th and 10th next year. 
KOTOGE: As Harada explained, the new brand "N Innovation" will be launched. Now that the number of Noah Juniors has increased, I think we can really show off various types of battles in an innovative way now, and as a new brand from January. I think we can show a different battle from Noah in different ways and not just the juniors, and from here on I want to make the "N Innovation" steadily exciting. 
Q: What plan did you come up with when the two of you shared your thoughts? 
HARADA: As Kotoge said earlier, there are a lot of wrestlers in the Noah Juniors now who have come in, and there are various battles. I think this is something we can do now. Something new. The young people who appear in the dojo matches are mainly juniors, but eventually they will be world class wrestlers and I spoke up hoping this will would be an unprecedented Noah fight of the Noah Juniors.
Q: Do you have an ultimate goal? 
HARADA: Of course, but I think it is more important to succeed rather than to talk about that now. We will do it at Radiant Hall on the 6th, 7th and 10th of January, but I definitely want to hold them once a month, not just in January. I will talk more after that. 
Q: What about the present condition of the Noah Junior Regulars not getting results successively? 
HARADA: It's true that the results haven't emerged, but I don't think it is possible to say that we have been looking down because they are not appearing. Always look look ahead and look up, ask what can be done that is new. What can I do for the Noah Juniors and think about what can be done for Noah? I thought that launching a new brand would be one thing. For that reason, I think it is important to leave results one by one, and so I want to win at the next event, Yoyogi, and step up more and more.
Q: What can you do by branding? 
KOTOGE: First of all, that chances will spread to all wrestlers more than ever. Specifically, I think I can do something interesting by talking to the company about various things that are even more surprising. For now, I think that by doing this the chances will spread to everyone and first of all, I would like to find a solid direction from the three Radiant events. 
HARADA: There are various wrestlers in the Noah Juniors right now, and I think there are a lot of customers and fans* who like this kind of card and that kind of card. Since the "N INNOVENTION" is starting today, I would live everyone on Twitter to add #NInnovation, and let us know what cards you want to see. It's not just the two of us who have made the "N INNOVENTION", but along with the wrestlers we would like to grown this brand together with all the fans.  

*Interchangeable, but what Harada means here is a customer is someone who buys a ticket and comes, and a fan is someone who watches from home.
