(NOAH) EVENT RECAP: MAN CRUSH 2021 (Saturday December 25th, Yokohama Radiant Halls)

Noah's last event of 2021 took place today (The Sugiura Army produce does not count as it tends to be non canon, but we could get a few surprises) and was streamed live on WrestleUniverse. Today's show was not particularly explosive. There were no mass brawls, but the referees did have a rough evening though. There where no unit splits so to speak or shock betrayals, but what made this show so exciting was subtle hints and what went unsaid or rather, unexplained. Noah announced a full house of 151 people. 

Akitoshi Saito, Hajime Ohara, Kai Fujimura & Yasutaka Yano vs Kongoh (Manabu Soya, Tadasuke, Aleja & Nioh) 

Manabu Soya lurked at the back as Kongoh filed out and looked as if he was going to slam the door behind him. Tadasuke was busy looking for the cameras for his final pose of 2021, and naturally he was photobombed by Nioh. Sadly no mist sprayed him! Akitoshi Saito (whose music I always think sounds like someone has switched a radio from rock to soft rock) did his last dance of the year, with Hajime Ohara clapping along. 

The juniors pretty much managed to behave, although the ref was heard yelling "Hey! Hey!" when the Kongoh Juniors (not really the other team the juniors were the non problematic Ohara and two rookies) stormed the ring. Yano no match for Tadasuke's heavyweight strength, so he managed to catch him on the momentum. He didn't do well against Soya however, and as fans love their hoss fights, there was a big applause when Saito vs Soya finally happened. Tadasuke was on a roll. Trying to outwit Hajime Ohara with false moves. It didn't last for long. 

WINNER: Tadasuke with the Jidanda Lariat on Kai Fujimura (14 minutes, 30 seconds)

Seiki Yoshioka vs Haoh

Haoh was kicked around and tortured by a dark and angry Seiki Yoshioka. Yoshioka was merciless in attack, at times the ref had to scream "stop" at him and pull him off. On the occasions when Haoh did get the upper hand, Yoshioka no sold him. Haoh found the best way to fight back was to catch him off guard with a hurricanrunna, however, this only seemed to make Yoshioka more annoyed and things worse for Haoh.  

WINNER: Seiki Yoshioka with Crucifixion (11 minutes, 30 seconds)

Yoshioka slightly taunted Haoh afterwards, as the win/loss ratio between them was now to his advantage (two wins and one loss), but more than that Yoshioka was breaking through his downward slump. 

Naomichi Marufuji, Takashi Sugiura & Funky Express (King Tani & Mohammed Yone) vs Masa Kitamiya, Daiki Inaba, Yoshiki Inamura & Kinya Okada

Funky Express came out dancing to "Hysteric", which is Naomichi Marufuji's theme music. You could tell how much Tani was loving it. His seniors however kept their distance, and Yone had to remind Tani that it wasn't a good idea to get the referee to remove his chain while they were around. Despite the disapproval of Naomichi Marufuji, Takashi Sugiura, Yoshinari Ogawa, Kenta Kobashi and Jun Akiyama, Tani can still be a monster in the ring and the crowd shrieked when he slammed Yoshiki Inamura. Funky Express also have a new pose after doing a move, which Yone demonstrated to his partners. They didn't seem impressed, if anything they grumpily looked right through him. 

Naomichi Marufuji was tortured by Masa Kitamiya, who even threw him around by one his arms. Growing steadily stronger throughout 2021, and especially following the title match against Keiji Mutoh who compared him to Masa Saito, Kitamiya refused Marufuji's kick combo and charged at him, Marufuji throwing him into the corner-post did nothing. Personally, I get the feeling that should Marufuji and Mutoh retain at The Budokan, they are going to be challenged by Masa Kitamiya and partner, possibly Yoshiki Inamura. Kitamiya had done such a job on Marufuji's shoulder that Marufuji was seen outside of the ring holding an icepack. It's rare to see him do this. 

Crowd were worked up for Yoshiki Inamura vs Takashi Sugiura, the Mohammed Yone vs Daiki Inaba (who has gone back to being enemies with Marufuji like he said he would) and Kinya Okada kicking around Takashi Sugiura. Then it happened when it came down to King Tani vs Kinya Okada...

WINNER: King Tani with the Go To Sleep on Kinya Okada (18 minutes, 10 seconds)

Shuhei Taniguchi had become the violent monster, Maybach Taniguchi, when teaming with KENTA in his NO MERCY stable. But why he chose to do it now, no one can work out. Tani does not have a match with or against KENTA at either the Nippon Budokan or New Japan vs Noah, and Sugiura is teaming with KENTA both times. Whatever the meaning, it sent fans into shock. Takashi Sugiura asked him what the hell he thought he was doing. Tani shoved him away and celebrated with Mohammed Yone. Marufuji and Sugiura, where not sticking around to be seen with Funky Express. It might be a time of goodwill towards all men, but the line is drawn at disco dancers.

Backstage, King Tani threw more oil on the mystery by commenting, "I know the X in the negotiations. The man who made my dark history. I know. I will make him Funky too". Elsewhere, Takashi Sugiura wondered that if this was finally, Tani(guchi) awake. 

HAYATA vs Yoshinari Ogawa

Rule: If Yoshinari Ogawa is mad at you in the way that he wants to torture you, he will wait for the bell. 
He waited for the bell. 

The match got off to a false start as ref counted three after just a few seconds when Ogawa pinned HAYATA by sneak attack, but HAYATA had his foot on the ropes and much to Ogawa's rage, the match was restarted. The restarted Match only lasted a few seconds afterwards as HAYATA sneak pinned Ogawa.

WINNER: HAYATA with the Crossfix (1 minute, 10 seconds)

Ogawa (never a good loser) went berserk and threw the ref out of the ring by his hair and then beat up on HAYATA. He put him in a submission, the bell was screaming, and Seiki Yoshioka came to the ring to pry them apart, which took him a while as it is after all Ogawa in a towering rage. Ogawa eventually let go and shoved Yoshioka aside before leaving the ring. The split in STINGER widened. 

Kongoh (Kenoh & Katsuhiko Nakajima) vs Go Shiozaki & Kaito Kiyomiya

Kaito Kiyomiya came out making belt motions, but then he did something that he has never done before which shows a new edge to his character. Normally it would be Kenoh swearing at him and them butting heads after Kenoh has done his pose. Kenoh is at least as touchy about it as Tadasuke. Kiyomiya kept interrupting him to square up. A stare off occurred with Kenoh muttering threats, and then neither waited for the bell as they went at it. Kenoh had Kiyomiya on the mat and kept punching him repeatedly. Referee Nishinaga looked as if he was breaking up a fight. 

When it came to Go Shiozaki vs Katsuhiko Nakajima, I was reminded initially of when Atsushi Kotoge used to call Shiozaki "Papa" and say that Shiozaki and Kiyomiya were "father and son". Kiyomiya had been knocked about by Kenoh and had rolled out of the ring, Shiozaki had an eye on him for a few seconds. After being chopped in the corner, Katsuhiko Nakajima decided that he was going to show how unaffected he was by this and soon after challenged Shiozaki to chop him and then ducked and followed this up with kicks. He also went to attack Shiozaki's shoulder. Kiyomiya chose this moment to break the hold by attacking Kenoh, but was thrown from the ring. 

No one could get a pin as the other three were always around to break it. Kenoh, however, found a solution and that was by knocking Kiyomiya out. The referee stopped the match when Kiyomiya was unresponsive. 

Winner: Kenoh with a right high kick (16 minutes, 25 seconds) 

Kenoh was very helpful, kicking Kiyomiya in the head, throwing the ref out of the ring and then shoving the belt in Kiyomiya's face as he held him up by his hair. When Kenoh had left, it was up to Shiozaki and Inamura to see to Kiyomiya. Shiozaki kind of bought Kiyomiya around by sitting him up and kneeing him in the back and Inamura helped him out. 

Kiyomiya has made no comment, but Kenoh was backstage yelling about how he knew what Kiyomiya was up to, but, at The Budokan, just like today, he would be at his mercy and eating out the palm of his hand. 

Number One Contenders Match
GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Championship Number One Contender Match
Momo no Seishun (Daisuke Harada & Atsushi Kotoge) vs Perros Del Mal De Japon (YO-HEY and Kotaro Suzuki)

In a way YO-HEY and HAYATA have once again mirrored each other; if HAYATA has Ogawa, then YO-HEY has Ogawa's pupil, Kotaro. Perros were dominant today, and NOSAWA who was lurking at ringside stayed out of it. 

Perros had long ago pegged Atsushi Kotoge for being the weakest in the team, and worked to keep Daisuke Harada away, rather than down. YO-HEY even stepping over Kotoge and slapping him lightly while staring at Harada. Kotoge fought for a long as he could, but the moment came when the crowd screamed when he was pinned. He had lost the titles originally to Perros, he had now lost them the number one contendership to them too. 

WINNER: YO-HEY with the FACE G on Atsushi Kotoge (23 minutes, 53 seconds)

To the surprise of completely no one, the GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag champions failed to appear. Any other team would, but then again, any other team would turn up to match signings. The title match will take place on the 4th January 2022 at Korakuen Hall. YO-HEY closed out Noah's (official) 2021 by saying on the microphone

"I got a Christmas present called the next GHC Junior Tag Challengers! On the 4th January at Korakuen, come to the venue then to see myself and Kotaro get a New Year's Gift called the Tag Belts. Merry Christmas!"

With thanks to: Abeshin 
GIF taken from WrestleUniverse
Noah's next event: The Sugiura Army produce: All Dogs Gather 3 (December 27th, Korakuen Hall)
