(NOAH) POST MATCH PROMOS: JUST FINE! 2022 (Wednesday 23rd March, Korakuen Hall, Tokyo)

(Mohammed Yone & King Tany)

YONE: I have known Mochizuki for a long time, but he was a difficult and tough opponent teaming with Okada, but we have a king with king power. 
TANY: If Funky is present, there is nothing to be scared of. 
YONE: No doubt
TANY: It feels like I am going to do more and more in the future. Let's funky!

(KENTo, Shun Skywalker & H.Y.O)

*All three take off their masks and laugh*

KENTo: Hey, Noah! We, Z-Brats, have boarded Noah's ring. Well, it seems that Eita, who we banished recently has become the GHC Junior Champion? When we were observing what this was like...it was too salty, right?*
H.Y.O: Utterly useless. There is no pro wrestling, everyone 0 points.
KENTo: Harada, Alejandro...Who else? 
H.Y.O: Him? Him? 
SHUN: Miyawaki
KENTo: Miyawaki? I can't feel any spirit, and I don't feel any fear. Are the Noah Juniors something like this? But more than that, what is the N-Innovation? N-Innovation? What is the N-Innovation? Our Z would be better than an N. Anyway, it can be changed to the Z-Innovation instead of the N-Innovation. Well, I have talked for a long time, but all we want to say is one word. Bamshiri. That's it. 
H.Y.O: I discovered today that my big brain must drive in pro wrestling to 0 point wrestlers. I will take responsibility for educating them. Bamishiri!

*Means kind of like it was lame, weak or inferior, but I think that "salty" works well here. 
*Many thanks to Flame286 for looking into what "Bamshiri" means, and it doesn't really mean anything and isn't in fact a real word. 


ALEJANDRO: Shit! Let's do it with those three!
MIYAWAKI: Shit! Shit!
HARADA: Z-Brats? Hey, you guys have some guts! Sumo Hall? Sumo Hall? April 29th, N-Innovation. The three of us will do it. Are you assholes fucking kidding me? With the three of us as your opponents, we will show you the awesomeness of the Noah Juniors mutherfuckers!

(Smiling) "I have to do it a little with him, is that so different? I have had various experiences in this ring, and so I think with Yano today was somewhat a plus. But, I myself got some great power from Yano's gaze. Thank you Yano."


Q: What was that last move? 
SUZUKI: It's a submission
Q: No particular name? 
SUZUKI: I don't know. I just chased after the order of which he ran, and did that technique. 
SUGIURA: That form fit ultimately
Q: Is this good momentum for tomorrow? 
SUZUKI: Well, it doesn't matter. Tomorrow is tomorrow. Today is today. He's not an opponent that you can win against by thinking about tomorrow. The damage was huge just by the double arm being returned at the end. That power is amazing, so different from two years ago. I was surprised.
Q: Sugiura, this became a tag between your current girlfriend and your ex-girlfriend, how was it? 
SUGIURA: I'm happy as a man, but you are not happy with this harem, right? 
SUZUKI: I was a little jealous of Tanaka actually
SUGIURA: The image of an ex-boyfriend is quite strong.  
SUZUKI: But on second thoughts (Sugiura and Tanaka) where quite awesome. They didn't talk during the match. I was a little jealous.
TANAKA: Jealousy
SUZUKI: But well, if it's the case it is Tanaka, it's okay because it's an adult relationship
SUGIURA: We are adults, so...
Q: Tanaka, How was it? 
TANAKA: Officially approved and okay for an adult relationship.


FUJITA (smiling): Is there anything? 
Q: Was this a tag with partners you wouldn't normally team up with? 
FUJITA (Without answering the question): I'm Noah. I'm Noah. I'm Noah. I'm champion. I'm Noah.


Q: You got your revenge on Nakajima, but how was the match? 
SHIOZAKI: Intense. He is stronger than I expected, and more tough than I expected. In order to raise myself more, I repeated the singles like this. There is no doubt that Katsuhiko Nakajima is that opponent. Katsuhiko Nakajima...Katsuhiko Nakajima...isn't it strange to say that? It was a good fight. 
Q: You invited Fujita in to challenge for the GHC Heavyweight Championship, but what are your thoughts on the GHC? 
SHIOZAKI: It's a belt that I must have. When I said "I am NOAH" again today, I felt strongly that it can't start yet without it. 
Q: Fujita said, "I am NOAH", but how was it when you heard that? 
SHIOZAKI: Well he is wearing the GHC, so, "I'm NOAH" is very good. I was surprised because I didn't think I would hear the words "I'm NOAH" from Kazuyuki Fujita's mouth, but I think he is wearing the belt with that feeling. I am looking forward to taking the belt from Kazuyuki Fujita, who is wearing the GHC with that feeling. 
Q: How do you see the polite Fujita these days? 
SHIOZAKI: It's okay, right? But the match has not changed. I think he's more intense, and I think he's getting stronger. He is holding it in outside of the match, and exploding within it. That is the Kazuyuki Fujita I want to surpass. 
