(NOAH) GHC Junior Championship signing ceremony. "A culmination of twenty-four years to become a true champion" Xtreme Tiger towards the fight with HAYATA.

18th May 2022
Pro Wrestling DX

TIGER: I know that HAYATA is a great wrestler, however, I have one goal I want to achieve. In Mexico I became a cruiserweight champion, in the United States I became the X Division Champion. That is why I am going to win the GHC Junior Heavyweight belt here in Japan, and return to Mexico as a true champion.

HAYATA: Defend...the belt. The winner is...me.
Q: What is your impression of Tiger?
TIGER: I think HAYATA is a really great wrestler. When you watch him in the ring, he has techniques, I regard him as a great wrestler. But I have a career in Lucha Libre for 24 years, and so in the match on May 21st, I will bring out all my strength and show HAYATA what I have cultivated for twenty-four years. 
