(NOAH) Akitoshi Saito's N-1 evaluation: Satoshi Kojima

29th July 2022

In 2002, Satoshi Kojima was taught the Western Lariat by Stan Hansen, and he became a true lariater. It goes without saying that Kojima, who never stops, is aiming to win the N-1 VICTORY (of course, he is aiming for everyone) and if so, a major promotion Grand Slam conquest.  

Well, I think it his arm that exceeds 50cm that makes him even persuasive to be a lariater. 
I am sure that many fans will be surprised to hear his age, but if you think of his arm as the same as a tree ring, and not to mention the effort, I am convinced that it is over 50cm. An annual tree ring is a concentric pattern that occurs on the cross section of a tree. It is also called a growth wheel, and increases with one carved every year. Yes, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the same as the growth line that you can see, when you are certain to see his own growth. As an aside, there is a theory that the wider the annual ring is, the more south it is, but when a tree grows on a slope the coniferous grow more on the valley side while the broad leaved trees grow more on the mountainside so that the trunk does not tilt, and the annual rings become elliptical. Kojima has been able to stay on the ground for many years, and not fall down even the harshest slopes. Moreover, it seems that the annual rings actively grow from spring to summer, so I am sure there will be further growth towards the N-1.

Kojima has a variety of skills, but personally, I really like the lariat. It is as if he is assembling Lego blocks for various techniques during the match to complete the finish, Satoshi Kojima's lariat...

While having both strength and fear, there is a feature of something that I can't hate. I felt that secret was hidden in his classic phrase "Ichauzo Bakayaro*" in addition to his appearance, gestures and facial expressions...isn't this because the "inflection" is different from the words spoken by other wrestlers during matches? Maybe it is from there that the image of "Lego" came to my mind earlier. Speaking of which, the image of a large tree reminds of the tree that appears in song for the advert for Hitachi. 
"What kind of tree is this tree"
But as the lyrics say, "Because this is a tree that I have never seen, flowers that I have never seen will bloom". He may show flowers that you have never seen in the N-1...

Keep an eye on Satoshi Kojima's right arm...

*Roughly "Let's go mutherfucker!"
