(NOAH) Akitoshi Saito's N-1 evaluation: Takashi Sugiura

31st July 2022

Man no, confidence yes

There is a pride that he has been leading force in any time from the early days to the difficult times, everyone has a sense of trust in that appearance which must have changed to absolute value. If you look at the radar chart of energy, stamina, ground, throwing technique, striking and match carrying, you can see that he is an all rounder, who is as close to a circle as possible. He has an insatiable pursuit of the GHC Grand Slam, and I think there is no person who can surpass the specialize skills for matches and the know-how of knowing how to carry matches. For the finishing holds there is the Olympic qualifying slam, the ankle hold, the front neck lock and an amazing frankensteiner etc. 

I think it is essential to make for the opponent how many extraordinary points there are on the radar chart. There is a sharp way of fighting, and it is even difficult for the referee to immediately stop the violent attack when the switch is turned on. To me personally, the fight feels similar to when I first heard "Piano Sonata 6-4 Movement". Indeed, that song is called "War Sonata" and the composer Prokofiev has a sharp characteristic, satirical style of the piano. His work has a unique style, such as percussion-like treatment and harmony. Opinions differ as to whether the piano is a percussion like instrument or a stringed instrument, but wouldn't it be better to treat it like a percussion instrument and describe it as having a sharp character? Maybe there is something in common, and I had that kind of feeling when I heard it. 

A trusted man, with "confidence" instead of "trust" with the meaning of past achievements and numerical values. 

I wonder what kind of horrifying tunes will be played in this N-1...I feel Sugiura this summer!
