(NOAH) A man named Kaito Kiyomiya!!

Note by Pro Wrestling Noah's Narihiro Takeda
26th July 2022

Kiyomiya is the ultimate good young man. I have worked with him for three years, but I have never met such a serious person in my life. 

We tend to have busy schedules such as handling media and photography. At the venue before the event or before press conferences, we will organize several interviews every minute like assembling Tetris with several people. Kiyomiya was teaming with a senior, but he was informed that the senior would be thirty minutes late. There are times when the reporter has already arrived, so Kiyomiya, I am sorry since the senior is late, can you be interviewed first? It's no good, just because the report has come and is being kept waiting, the seniors come first!  There is a polite but stubborn side, that won't listen. I am sure he is stubbornly following what his seniors have taught him since his debut.
He is a wonderful young man, who is straightforward in everything.
"Kiyomiya, I want to shoot YouTube this week, but the schedule can't be replaced. Can you shoot at night? 
When he says
"I have an important dinner at noon"*
"Since it's at night, lunch is fine, isn't it?"
"No, I can't drink and do YouTube"
"It's okay to not drink at noon, isn't it?"
Even so
"If the other person drinks, wouldn't it be rude if I didn't drink too?"
"But if it's about one glass of beer during the day, and it's hot and if you walk, you are not going to be drunk in the evening?"
"No, it's no good"
"Then you won't be rude if you don't drink at lunch".

Here is "Kaito Kiyomiya's first time TV" YouTube channel, of such a serious young pro wrestler in Japan.

*Line in Japanese is that he is having dinner with someone who he cannot refuse due to an obligation, there is no suitable translation in English. 
