(NOAH) POST MATCH INTERVIEWS: STAR NAVIGATION 2023 (Korakuen Hall, Sunday May 14th)

"Previously, I lost the tag with Senior Sugiura, so I think I have a big responsibility. I don't know how to make a comeback from now on, but I'm just going to do it. I want to aim higher."


DAGA: We have only shown you a little bit, but this is the power of STINGER. From now on, we STINGER, will control Noah and the juniors. Whoever you are, we will take you on. 
RIDGEWAY: Did you see it? Our chemistry? A great chemistry happened today that led to today's result.


KITAMIYA: There is nothing better to say than this, and I will say it after winning with our true strength. We will win!
INAMURA: We beat the tag champions. The next challengers are me and Kitamiya-san, THE TOUGH!


*Suzuki tries to desperately hold back the deranged Saxon Huxley*
HUXLEY: Yes. We are the champions! Will we ever just hand over these belts?
THATCHER: Do you wanna challenge? Right, okay, if you wanna take on that challenge, then we'll take you on.


HAYATA: Ogawa's era is over. We will be the centre of Noah
*HAYATA leaves*
EITA: This is the answer. Noah Juniors, are you guys are watching, right? This is the answer. Look you guys, HAYATA and I will stand at the centre of the Noah Juniors as quickly as possible. Since Ogawa was first, Daga is the only confirmed single next. Hey, Daga! You did it again today too. I'll make Kobe a bloodbath. It's my hometown. Anything is possible. Daga, I'll drown you in a sea of blood.


SUGIURA: It was a reverse nomination. Actually, I thought that if Marufuji won, then I would be the first to challenge him, but Maru-san lost like that in Ryogoku, I was a little disappointed. But today I was nominated by the champion. It's an honor, but I have no choice but to go. 
Q: What is your impression of Jake as a champion?
SUGIURA: I can't say I'm conceited, but as champion, he's only defended twice, hasn't he? I don't want him to feel like he knows Noah because of that. I will teach him that there is someone like me. I will tell you, or rather I'll give you an impression.


KOTOGE: Well, it's been a long time since I won at Korakuen. There was a time when I couldn't get past that, and after all, Harada had quit, but I was able to hit the upper knee today as well*. I will use this technique with great care. I will cherish it. The Junior tag the last time here at Korakuen, showed something amazing, Mexicans, foreign wrestlers from all over the world and a lot of powerhouses. The champion team that won was amazing, and that's why I think that we shouldn't stop here. A huge weapon...I've obtained the strongest weapon in the world for me, so lets use this weapon and wear the championship belts once more.
YOSHIOKA: Yes. Let's hit YO-HEY and Tadasuke with everything we have, and take the belts from them.

*Kotoge's upper knee: He appears to have inherited this from a Harada move.


JAKE (to YO-HEY): Hey, are you okay?
YO-HEY: Hey, one pair or less, right? (rough) If you do enough to receive the challenge of those rotten guys, then you can get more life experience by doing your best singing in unison with everyone. But, but, it's true that we lost. That's why, Atsushi Kotoge and Seiki Yoshioka, your challenge is accepted. 
JAKE: The opponent says "no trouble" like this, he's so tough and powerful. That's really my true intention. Nothing more. I want to fight with you. Thank you very much, Sugiura-san. 


KENOH: Hey, AXIZ! What do you guys want to do after being back for the first time in years? Today, you didn't have a clear goal or what you were going to do in the future, did you? What do you want, mutherfuckers? And Katsuhiko Nakajima. Revived and quickly lost, what do you have a strong belief in? Let me know by your actions from now on. And Soya, like I said in the ring, it's full of our enemies. 
SOYA: Full of enemies
KENOH: What's next?
SOYA: It's the 21st.
KENOH: What is there before the 21st?
SOYA: For me? I have a singles with Suwama.
KENOH: That's right. Then defeat that disgusting Suwama. On the 21st, lets defend this belt again, and keep defending it in the Noah ring always. And what's next? Susumu Mochizuki, Yasushi Kanda, I'll defeat you too. And then there are enemies all through June 9th. But in the midst of all that, I will say this again, which is what I really want to say the most to you fuckers...on June 24th, I look forward to seeing everyone at the Kenoh Debut 15th Anniversary event at the Tokushima City Gymnasium. 

(Go Shiozaki is leaning on him) "AXIZ has just been resurrected. So first of all of all, let's get back the time we've had so far, from there."
