(NOAH) "DONMAI, DONMAI" - Mitsuharu Misawa's diary (6th April 2007)

Cheers. It has begun. April Navi. It's a fairly long navigation that will last about a month, but Misawa still has the bruises from the first day. The red areas are gradually turning brown. As a wrestler, injuries are inevitable in the course of the job, but I'm lucky that internal injuries, such as fractures, bruises, and ligament injuries, aren't noticed by the people around me. In that respect, even if I think that visible injuries are not a big deal, those around me are still worried about me. I myself have had quite a few injuries to my face since I started wrestling. The injuries ranged from major ones like orbital broken bone fractures* and nasal bone fractures, to (and I don't know if these can be considered minor), injuries that required stitches. This is a personal matter, but I find that cuts that are visible on the outside heal surprisingly quickly (so maybe my blood sugar is still okay). I think many people have experienced sprains and fractures, but injuries that damage the knee ligaments are probably rare unless you're skiing. Among injuries that are visible to the public, facial injuries seem to bleed more than the size of the wound, so please carefully assess the wound and be careful not to leave a scar, especially if you are a woman. For men, it's good to have a cool reputation...but that's no way the case! 

By the way, today is Wednesday, but it's April and it's snowing! I'm feeling a sense of anger that I have nowhere to vent. It's a hassle when it suddenly gets cold, and I have to send the jacket I sent off to the dry cleaners again... New employees may also feel tired if the weather continues like this. I think the new school year has already started for working adults and university students. Middle and high school students will start their new lives in new environments from around the beginning of next week. Either way, I think there is more anxiety than expectation at this time of year. But I hope that you will turn that anxiety into expectation and do your best. That sounds bossy! But, if you have to do it, then doing it with all your might will last longer than doing it half-heartedly. These being the words of Misawa. 

Now, let's answer Aoki's question. He said "something to go with white rice," but that's definitely natto. I like that it's not too big or too small, but regular(?) and not ground. By the way, I prefer sauce over soy sauce. Everyone, you should mix natto well before adding sauce.
Can I continue on the topic of natto a little more?
I like to eat it with rice, but it seems there are many ways to eat natto...After drinking the other day, I stopped by Matsuya or Sukiya*, and this guy, who was sitting next to me, ordered curry and natto, and ate it by pouring natto on the curry. When I asked the other wrestlers, they said it was a normal way to eat it. I was surprised at the time, but a better way to eat it was introduced on TV the other day. I only watched part way through, so I don't know where it was from, but it seems to be eaten by pouring sugar and soy sauce over the natto. I wonder if it will be like sweetened adzuki beans. But sweetened adzuki beans are just sugar.... Is it a bit of a mystery....It seems to be a very common way of eating them in that area. There is still a lot to learn about natto and Japan. As a natto lover I could talk forever and never stop, so I will stop here.

Now here is a question for Shio, who will be appearing next week. Since it's the entrance season, I would be grateful if you could tell us an episode related to your entrance ceremony, or how you felt when you entered Noah...

As I wrote recently, this is a navi that will run for about a month, so please support us if you are in the area. Misawa.
Orbital bone fracture: This was an injury to the eye socket that was caused by a kick to the face from Toshiaki Kawada. Misawa later said in an interview that he heard a sickening crunching sound, and felt faint. The injury should have kept him out of that years Champion Carnival, but he decided to compete, although he risked losing his eyesight. Misawa's reasoning was that he had been kept out of last years due to a knee injury, and so he couldn't afford to miss this year. Ironically, Misawa hated Champion Carnival, and tellingly there was no annual singles league in Noah until after his death.
Matsuya or/and Sukiya: Chain restaurants. Misawa was evidently so drunk, he doesn't remember which. 
