(ALL JAPAN) Giant Baba Weekly Pro Profile (August 1972)

Giant Baba
(Japan Pro Wrestling)

Height & Weight: 209, 145
Birthday: 23rd January 1938
Hometown: Niigata prefecture
How long wrestling: 12 years
Special move: 32 mon rocket launcher 
Other: Japan's leading figure, with plenty of physical strength, skill and experience, he's an emperor. 

Japan Pro Wrestling: By October 1972, Baba would establish All Japan, but for now he was still with (what was left) of Rikidozan's Japan Pro. The promotion would collapse amid embezzlement, incompetence (alcoholics running the show) and very shady business deals. Antonio Inoki by this time had been ousted following a failed coup, and had started New Japan. 
Baba's birthdate: Weekly Pro in this era wrote the dates old style, so it reads 23rd January, 13th year (of Showa)

Although Baba had been wrestling since his debut in 1960, Weekly Pro do not have any back issues (at the time of writing) at all from the sixties or available to view, so this may well be the first substantial introduction to Baba there currently is. 
