(NOAH) "DONMAI, DONMAI" ~ Mitsuharu Misawa's diary ~ 13th July 2007

Cheers! Misawa is feeling a bit tired after the consecutive matches. This time Navi has four consecutive matches, three consecutive, and then four again, with one day off in between, and since we return to Tokyo in the middle of the night afterwards, it's more like a travel day than a day off. It's not a proper day off, so I think everyone is a bit tired. The junior wrestlers are also in the tag league, so they'll probably be even more tired. Everyone, please be careful not to get injured and do your best. 

On a different note, my Navi assistant Ippei, has gone to England, and so my previous (?) assistant, Kotaro Suzuki, is taking over his place, and I have been able to get through this peacefully without any irritation *makes a squealing noise* (*raises eyebrows*) I'm just worried that Ippei might be causing trouble for Rikio* in England. Ippei himself has a unique constitution that allows him to adapt to anywhere, so I'm not worried about him *squeals* 

Let me answer Shio's question here. I don't have any bad habits before the medical checkup, and at most, I don't drink alcohol for three days before the checkup. First of all, if you don't follow a diet and don't check your daily condition, there's no point in having a health check. It seems that a certain Ogawa* is taking good care of his health...but, this year isn't over for me yet, because I have an inspection after this Navi ends, so I don't think I'll be able to post the details, but I'll write about it as much as I can at some point. 
Here's a question for next week's guest, Hirayanagi. How long did you keep growing for? When did you give up? 

Well, there is only Kesennuma and the Budokan left in Navi now. If you have time and are nearby, please come to the venue to support us. The event at the Budokan on Sunday is for the GHC Championship. I'll do my best. I wonder how many times I'll have a singles match with Taue? It's getting tough for both of us, but lets do our best as much as we can, okay, Taue? 

That was Misawa. See you in two weeks.
But, lastly, Natsu-chan....Achiridonari-chan, happy birthday!*

Rikio: Takeshi Rikio (on another note, I remember seeing Rikio in England round about this time in Colchester, but I have no memory of seeing Ippei).
Ogawa: Yoshinari    
Happy Birthday: I don't know who this is. 
