(NOAH) HAYATA & YO-HEY Interview - Are they a grey-haired married couple on their way to winning the junior tag title? They foretell their evolution, and make meaningful comments about the future.

22nd August 2024 
Pro Wrestling DX

The "grey haired married couple", HAYATA & YO-HEY. have reunited after about four years, and will challenge for the GHC Junior Tag Team Championship in Osaka on September 1st. 

During their time in RATEL's, they were a famous tag team that led the tag scene as a loving and devoted couple who got along well both in public and private, but since parting ways in 2020, they have been complete enemies. They have reunited after a four year marital dispute, the two have been working together to improve each other, and this successful reconciliation has finally led to them joining forces again, and this is also the first step for the former RATELS members, including Tadasuke, to reunite. 

They will be challenging Eita and Shuji Kondo for the title, and we asked the married couple about their enthusiasm for their return to their third junior tag in four years. 

HAYATA & YO-HEY Interview 

Q: "The Blonde Couple" have reunited for the first time in four years, and will now challenge for the GHC Junior Tag Team Championship? 
YO-HEY: Well, we got back together, but because we had been apart for four years, it felt fresh at first, and I felt my heart pounding at first. 
Q: You were excited
YO-HEY: But after that, it just naturally became like we'd been together for a long time. It's strange, but Wife is the only person like that. 
Q: However, over the past four years, you have been fighting each other consistently, and HAYATA has deceived you, and thoroughly looked down you...
YO-HEY: I do feel like he said a lot of nasty things...but that's all gone now, and I'm really looking forward to the future! That feeling erased those negative feelings, or rather, I'm someone who doesn't hold grudges, so yes. 
Q: It seems that HAYATA has said some pretty nasty things to YO-HEY...
HAYATA:...I don't remember. 
Q: The secret to a happy marriage is not to hold grudges. 
Q: Looking at it from another perspective, it could be said that you have raised each others status by fighting each other, and will team up again at a good time...
YO-HEY: That's true. Certainly, Wife won the singles belt and became the absolute champion of Noah Junior, and won the National Openweight Championship, and appeared in the Super Juniors. I've had a lot of experience in different units, and I think I've gained more experience in the junior tag than HAYATA. Tadasuke and I even got close to breaking the record for the most title defense. If those parts come together and multiply (he makes a Super Saiyan like gesture) I think we will evolve with a "Gwaaaaaah", and not just become blonde, but even more like a grey haired couple.  
Q: That makes you seen like just an old married couple....anyway, you're confident that you can show a better team than before?
YO-HEY (in a tone as if speaking to a hard of hearing grandma): The question is, is the blonde couple of today stronger than the blonde couple of four years ago?
HAYATA (With a look that means he finally understands for some reason)...Ah...is that so...it will be. 
YO-HEY: Does seem to be 
Q: What do you think of the champions, Eita & Shuji Kondo?
YO-HEY: More than anything, they are the ones who took the belt from me, when I lost in a tag match with Tadasuke. Everyone recognizes their strength, and I've been beaten directly by them, so I think I know better than anyone how strong they are. Wife doesn't say anything, but I think his inner fighting spirit is burning. What do you think? Is it burning? 
HAYATA:...It's burning 
YO-HEY: It seems to be burning 
Q:....HAYATA, you teamed up with Eita for a while? 
HAYATA:...Did I? 
Q: Have you lost your memory? 
HAYATA looks as if to be desperately trying to remember, but he doesn't say anything. 
Q:...To sum up, your old couple jokes are perfectly in sync, so is it really something special for the two of you to win the belt together? 
YO-HEY: Yes, the last time the Blonde Couple won the belts, was during the COVID-19 period. We won them on the empty arena live stream matches, and then we split up as this continued. So, it's been over five years since we were able to show the audience the blonde couple wearing the belts. I have always wanted to show it to them, and so on September 1st, I want to let that feeling explode, win the belts together, and show them a complete revival of the Blonde Couple. Yes!
Q: By the way, right after you reunited, you were on the verge of falling out because of a mistaken kick...
YO-HEY: That's probably because of survival points, since we didn't camp together or survive.
Q:...I don't really understand what you mean. 
YO-HEY: Some may say that since we have been enemies for four years, it's hard to open up so quickly, but for me it's a matter of survival points. No matter how you look at it, the stress of not being able to go to Round One* together must have been building up as well.
Q:...HAYATA, what about you? 
HAYATA: Oh, you mean ROUND1? Minibikes are fun, aren't they? We play basketball, and not just sports, we can sing....
(This then starts a long discussion about ROUND ONE between himself and YO-HEY, which the long suffering interviewer, probably driven mad by this point, has omitted) 
Q:...This is getting out of hand, so I will sum it up; What kind of match do you want to have on September 1st in Osaka, and what kind of step do you want it to be to show the future? 
YO-HEY: Now that the three of us who made up RATELS four years ago have come together again, we absolutely have to surpass what we were like back then. Otherwise, it's meaningless. To do that, we have to stay ay the centre, and that's why we need the belt. First of all, we need to get it, and prove that we're back! 
Q: With GLG disbanding, Ogawa retiring, and the future of STINGER unknown, the Noah Juniors are once again in a period of chaos. 
YO-HEY: Right now, we are the only ones in Noah Junior that have formed a proper unit, so if we push forward and take the lead, I think various reactions and backlash will occur, and for better or worse, many new things will be born, so I have some thoughts about this now, and I hope that we can revitalize the group in this way. Osaka is just the first step. That's why we're going to raise our survival points right away! Right?

Round One: Amusement arcade
