(NOAH) Fan event recap: Kaito Kiyomiya ("Chief Kiyopi") and Kenoh, police chief for a day - Traffic Safety and Q&A at Ōi Police Station

14th September 2024

ALL REBELLION (Kaito Kiyomiya and Kenoh) visited Ōi Police Station to give a talk on Traffic safety and do a Q&A session with fans. Both were made honorary police chiefs for the day, with fans giving Kiyomiya the nicknames "Chief Kiyopi" or "Emerald Justice". 

Noah's social outreach work has its roots in All Japan. Starting in the late 1970s/1980s, Jumbo Tsuruta would voluntarily visit nursing homes, orphanages and hospitals and sing for the patients, children, elderly etc. He would also hold small concerts (Tsuruta was also a musician who played guitar and wrote his own songs), in which Giant Baba would also appear, and sing. Mitsuharu Misawa (Tiger Mask II in the picture here which dates from 1985 when All Japan visited a care centre), carried on this tradition into Noah. 

Today's event 
The event today included a Traffic Safety talk, a Q&A with the wrestlers, and a video presentation on road safety (plus Kiyomiya and Kenoh on scooters). Both Kenoh and Kiyomiya entered to their respective theme music (there was a roar from the crown when Kenoh appeared in uniform). The hosts were two officers, the younger did not know too much about wrestling apparently, but his senior (who was wearing a Noah t-shirt) was more clued in, and ironically, the actual Chief of Police, is called Inamura! 

Kaito Kiyomiya seemed to take the lead, with Kenoh a little in the background, and he gave a talk before the Q&A. Fans said he was a little nervous on the mic, but probably because he was talking about something other than wrestling. 

Snippets from the Q&A
- Kaito Kiyomiya said that if he had to take a ring name, it would be "Hercules Kaito"
- Kiyomiya recounted the story of being run over by the Great Muta (which was in Kanagawa, the prefecture where the talk was held), and was told he could not file a report, as the police have no jurisdiction over the underworld! (Kenoh thought this was very funny apparently) 
- Kiyomiya said his childhood dream was to be a police officer (Go Shiozaki, whose father was in the police force, had the same dream, but he failed the exams)
- Kiyomiya was inspired by the Olympics to come up with new moves (Kenoh seemed to be most impressed by the Olympic "Breaking" and Paralympic "Powerlifting" events)
- Kiyomiya apparently uses Old Spice deodorant 

At the end of the event, Kenoh and Kiyomiya were presented with portraits of themselves. 

(Jumbo Tsuruta, Tiger Mask II and Genichiro Tenryu taken from Weekly Pro)

With thanks to: Abeshin, Fujiwara_Armbar, Shinsuke, & Umou  
