(NOAH) Shiga's rise cannot not be achieved without breaking away from the "Give it your best!"

Weekly Pro
22nd August 2000 (Issue 991)

Starting in a new promotion is a rare way to reset the flow, and if there is a negative image in All Japan, there is no way to not erase it. So for Shiga, no matter how you looked at him, he he had a negative image of the type of person that people would just tell to "give it your best". If he could use this opportunity to show a completely different fighting style from before, he would have been able to erase that image in one fell swoop. But Shiga's fights looked just like they did in his All Japan days. 
 His determination to challenge Misawa and fight back, even after being defeated, was certainly admirable, as his fierceness is also part of Shiga's charm. But fans have seen enough of that already. They want something new from Noah. So they don't want to see a repeat of the same scene they once saw...but he has finally changed his costume to silver, making him look even more manly. There is no need to think too much about changing style, but he needs to change the voices of the audience shouting "Shiga, stand up!" and "Hit back!". If he continues like this, he will always be seen as a young wrestler. 
 Judging from Noah's ring, self-assertion is very much allowed, and if you don't do that, you're more likely to be left behind. That's why we are waiting for Shiga to assert himself...well, we can't afford to take it easy, and after finishing two matches, Shiga himself probably felt it the most. If things continue like this, it will be bad*. 

Translated from: Weekly Pro (article author was Miyao)
Picture credits: Weekly Pro

