(NOAH/ALL JAPAN) "Pro Wrestling Land" cartoon strip

Weekly Pro
22nd August 2000 (Issue 991)

A pig gives the caption....
Television broadcast

All Japan...
NTV is currently suspended 

NTV under consideration? 

We cut to Mitsuharu Misawa, triumphantly standing in front of a Noah flag with the words "Noah Flag Raising" (i.e. Noah launch). However, there is no such celebration in the All Japan office where a grumpy looking Toshiaki Kawada, Masanobu Fuchi and an executive, (who looks a lot like Mrs Baba) sit. Mrs Baba holds a picture of Giant Baba. 
MRS BABA: Let's do whatever it takes to show off something that Noah doesn't have!
KAWADA: I don't like Onita*
MRS BABA: So, I would like to propose a brilliant idea that will kill two birds with one stone: creating buzz and expanding the player base...
KAWADA: I don't like Onita
MRS BABA (cont): No more break ups! It's just a nuisance for us!
PERSON IN THE BACKGROUND: Noah have launched? 

This doesn't matter to Mrs Baba, she gets on the phone while someone in the background drools with hearts in his eyes

MRS BABA (on the phone): So even if we merge, the name of the promotion will not change, and I think that's a good thing for you guys.

Cut to Misawa sitting at his desk. He wears a white shirt, some kind of patterned tie, and holds a NOAH flag in his hand. There is a palm to his left, and the sign on his desk makes his position clear "PRESIDENT". 

MISAWA: We're not going to give up. No matter what happens, we're not going to raise the white flag. 

Well, I guess then there is only one thing left to do, call up the president of All Japan Joshi, he responds: Is "All Japan Women" the women's division of All Japan Pro Wrestling?

The last frame is somehow ironic, given than in ten years Misawa would be dead, and none of this would matter. Baba stands with his arms outstretched and his eyes shut a meditative pose, What looks like a memorial tablet is behind him, while paper which reads something like "Wise Words from Beyond" (I can't make it out well) flutters down. He says "Even if we say things like that, we don't know how things will turn out in 10 years. Everything in life is just a matter of time passing by."

Atsushi Onita: Who would appear in Noah in 2012, 2013, and 2014 and later do an explosion match with NOSAWA Rongai and Takashi Sugiura. 
