(NOAH/NEW JAPAN) New Japan's Ryohei Oiwa, who is about to graduate, vows to "repay" Kiyomiya, "I have to surpass him as a professional wrestler"

12th September 2024
Tokyo Sports

Ryohei Oiwa (25) of New Japan Pro Wrestling, will have his final match at Noah's Korakuen Hall event on the 14th. He has vowed to "repay" Kaito Kiyomiya (28), the GHC Heavyweight Champion.

Oiwa, who started his training with Noah in September of last year, will graduate at the end of this show. Looking back on those fulfilling days he said, "It was a good time to end the year, and I felt that fighting in N-1 gave me confidence, or rather, I felt that this was it. I learned technical set ups thoroughly, which I hadn't done much before, and I was able to use them in matches. At first, I was getting used to the idea of ​​this kind of wrestling, but in the second half, I was trying to fully absorb Noah's wrestling." 

It was the first time in history for him to have gained experience in a home promotion instead of overseas. He said of his gains, "There was pressure from the fact that the audience was always watching me, and I may have not made a sudden impact, but I am confident that I have steadily improved my strength. I think I was hungry from the days I left New Japan alone, and had to leave a mark". 

His final opponent is Kiyomiya, who scouted Oiwa for Noah, and currently holds the highest title in Noah. In the N-1, their match ended in a draw after thirty minutes. Intending to show the culmination of his year of training, Oiwa said, "I thought I couldn't leave Noah without settling things with Kaito Kiyomiya, so he created ALL REBELLION and all that, but I feel like I have to surpass him as a pro wrestler and as a person. I think the wrestler Kaito Kiyomiya is close to the ideal form of what I learned in Noah. I hope that my victory will be a way of giving back." Attention is focused on whether after graduation he will return home to New Japan, or head to his next training destination. Oiwa said confidently as he heads into the big match, "Of course, my desire to aim to be the best in New Japan hasn't changed, and that's why I came to Noah. Even when I was in Noah, I was always conscious of watching the New Japan matches, and I want to surpass Kaito Kiyomiya and go to a place and a stage that suits me". 
