(ALL JAPAN) DRESSING ROOM NEWS (28th February 1984)
Weekly Pro
28th February 1984 (Issue No.30)
February is the month of bean-throwing*, and then Valentine's Day. The impatient young ladies started their activities at the end of January, with chocolates arriving one after the other at the Roppongi office. Over the past few years, Jumbo Tsuruta has been the one to build up a mountain of chocolate, which can be used as a barometer of popularity to gauge his ability. However, this year, strong opponents have appeared for the favorite, Jumbo Tsuruta! The young power duo of Shiro Koshinaka and Mitsuharu Misawa, who are charging ahead under the catchphrase of youth and going to America. It will be interesting to see how far they can threaten Jumbo's stronghold.
These days, young ladies are into forceful measures, and as they don't think that mailing or courier services are enough, they attack each wrestler directly, and use a handover strategy to try and get into the venue. On February 4th, Setsubun, at Honmonji Temple in Ikegami, Jumbo was attacked by this group, and was crushed to a pulp before he could get into his car, leaving him speechless. What is truly frightening is the power of women, regardless of age. This is also one of the major phenomena of the pro wrestling boom.
Bean Throwing: Setsubun is celebrated yearly on February 3rd as part of the Spring Festival. Roasted soybeans are thrown to ward away the demons who bring misfortune, with people shouting "Demons out! Fortune in!"
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