(NOAH) "Donmai, Donmai" ~ Mitsuharu Misawa's diary ~ 22nd February 2008
22nd February 2008
Cheers, currently on Navi. If you have hay fever, please be careful as it's about to start soon, Misawa. By the way, I don't have hay fever at the moment (I know I'm being persistent), Misawa.
The Navi season started last Friday, but this time it will be a little shorter, about two weeks. GHC is in the finals, so I'll do my best.
Speaking of Navi, can you tell which Briscoe Brother is which? The easiest way to tell them apart is that the one missing a front tooth is the younger brother, Mark, and the one without is the older brother, Jay. There might also be a way to tell them apart by their tattoos, but it's hard to tell them apart when they're moving. That said, it's hard to tell them apart by their front teeth when their mouths are closed...
I don't think you're too worried about that, but what do you think?
February is the coldest month of the year. This year, snow has piled up in Tokyo several times. As I wrote in my last time, it must be really tough for students taking exams, as they not only have to prepare for the cold, but also have to worry about the impact of the snow on transportation. I'm sure those who use their cars for work are also worried. Noah's Navi also feels that the weather is often bad at the Budokan events at this time of year. Not only at the Budokan, but all the wrestlers and staff are working hard to make matches that people who come to the venue in the cold think "it was worth coming", so although it's a short tour, I hope you will come and support us.
The second show of the tour, Nagoya on the 17th, was held on the same day as the Tokyo Marathon. I wonder if anyone reading this diary participated or completed the race? Those of you who are familiar with Tokyo's geography may have noticed that this time, the course started from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and finished at the Big Sight*. And speaking of Big Sight, it's right next to the Noah Dojo and office. We left early to avoid traffic restrictions, so we weren't able to see the runners directly, but the course was on the road next to us, It's a strange feeling to see scenery that you're used to seeing on TV. I'm sure it was a great experience for those who finished the race. Congratulations!
Now, I would like to answer Shuhei's question. But before that, I would like to know the meaning of the name "Shuhei", and that you actually did call your mother to ask about it. But it's a great name. Just like your name suggests, "Shuhei" does have an aura of peace around him (*raises eyebrows*). So then, please go one step further from peace and make the people around you, (including me), happy. But personally, I don't think that perm suits you...
Well, I hope he's okay with it...
Well, what to order when drinking?
Generally, I don't just go out drinking, I often go out for a meal first, so it depends on what I'm eating. It's usually a yakiniku restaurant, an izakaya, or for sushi.
It's usually a yakiniku restaurant, an Izakaya, or sushi. If it's yakiniku, I always order either raw liver, yukhoe*, or raw omasum*, and if it's an Izakaya, I'll go for something safe like salted fish. If it's sushi, if I'm hungry I'll ask them to make something, and if not I'll just leave the sashimi up to them. It seems like there are a lot of things that are not good for people with gout*, but my uric acid level was normal, so don't worry. I don't think this is the answer Shuhei would have wanted, but I guess it's something like that. Shuhei's standard "Kobukuro ponzu*" is a bit of a tricky one. I don't like strong smelling things in general, so if it's a safe restaurant I'll order it...Without a clear answer, I posed the question to Aoki, who will be in charge next time.
Well, I'm not the only one who's wondering, there are probably other fans out there who are wondering too, so please answer.
As I mentioned earlier, the final match for this Navi is against Morishima in a GHC title match. I think it's a big hurdle for me personally too. I'll do my best, using everyone's encouragement as strength. Thank you for your support. This was Misawa. See you in two weeks.
Big Sight: Tokyo International Exhibition Center. You don't see Differ but 3:59 of this YouTube video, will show you what was going on just over the road.
Yukhoe: Korean dish of thinly sliced, raw beef, typically marinated in a sauce with ingredients like soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, and sometimes gochujang
Raw omasum: Basically the third compartment of the stomach of a cow
Gout: I've never yet heard of Misawa suffering gout, but Shuhei Taniguchi does. We know this thanks to Sugi trolling him.
Kobukuro ponzu: Cows uterus
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