(NOAH) "DONMAI-DONMAI" ~ Mitsuharu Misawa's diary ~ 27th July 2007


I went for a health check on Monday. We all gathered at 8:30 in the morning to have our blood drawn -> vision test -> electrocardiogram -> echo -> hearing test -> lung capacity ->->->-> and....I also had a barium test this time. As soon as I entered the examination room, the attendant said, "Misawa-san, please drink as much as you can today." If if you are told to "try your best", then those who have never done it before may think that they can just stand there, and the platform will rotate around them, but that is a big mistake. You have to rotate yourself*. Even without that, my neck had been fine right after the title match at the Budokan, but two or three days after the match, it suddenly started to hurt so much that even sleeping was painful, and I had to go through the medical examination in that condition, so it was extremely difficult to move it from then on. I somehow managed to get through the test, but I was dripping in sweat (as always) when it's over. Maybe I'm the only one...After the barium test, they gave me six laxative tablets, but I took two quickly and the test was over for the time being. Since it was early in the morning, everything was over by 10:30, so I went home, ate dinner, and went to the toilet. I had a bit of diarrhea so I lay down to get some sleep, but after about 2 hours my stomach started to hurt so I went to the toilet. "I went to the toilet right after I got home so it shouldn't be hard..." I thought, but I pushed hard and got a shock. I thought I heard a "popping" sound (however, I don't think it actually sounded like that...) My anus hurts so so much....It was very similar to the first time I took barium and was still underestimating it. and then after a short pause, the second wave came. Wow, it hurt this time too. I thought my anus was torn. Worried about the bleeding, I peeked into the toilet...That night, I had a few guests over, so I had a few drinks and went to bed. The next day, I let my guard down again, thinking, "I was in pain yesterday, so it should be fine," and went to the bathroom, and it hurt! I know some of you may be wondering why, even though I went the day before... but I'll tell you what! It was a tough two days for anus-kun. By the way, (I know I'm repeating myself), but to give an example, it felt like the size of a rice ball came out (sorry to those who are eating rice balls while reading this). It only happens once a year, so it can't be helped, but the pain three times was tough. Moreover, I can't brace myself because my neck hurts, and I can't brace myself because my anus hurts. I've developed a fear of bracing myself. 

Now, let's answer Hira's* question. But before that, isn't normal height something you should give up on at junior high school age? But, Hira is not good at giving up. The question was "What is your favorite hairstyle for women?", but, well, I don't really have a favorite. I don't have a "this is the only way" hairstyle, but I don't really like hairstyles with bangs cut too short. It's hard to explain, but it's a cut that's like a short, boyish cut. The reason is difficult to explain, but I think it's a shame that women can enjoy a variety of hairstyles, but I guess the choice to choose that cut could be considered part of enjoying your hairstyle. Speaking of hairstyles, more and more office workers are getting their heads shaved these days, but I'm from a generation where it still feels a bit strange. In any case, it seems like it would be hard to eat ramen with long hair, so if you have long hair, you should tie it up before eating. So, here, we ask our next guest, Ito, (who has recently dyed his hair brown and grown a beard, and is taking on new challenges as he has become more stable in matches), what is the most memorable thing about summer vacation in your student days? I often remember playing with Katsupa. I wonder what "Kaatan" is doing now...I wonder if Hercules is doing well...

Summer vacation has started, and I'm sure many of you will be heading to the mountains or the sea, but please be careful not to get injured and enjoy the summer. See you in two weeks. Misawa.

Rotate yourself: The clinician usually asks you to change position. 
Hira: Genba (Misawa has evidently given him a nickname)
Katsupa, Kaatan and Hercules: I am not sure who or what this is. "Katsupa" could possibly relate to a game of buying and selling things, "Kaatan" might be a nickname, and Hercules may possibly be an animal.
